
Search result for: marketing tips

Social Media

Social Media Marketing Tips: How To Effectively Build Your Personal Brand In 2019

April 19, 2022

One question that many business owners still ask in 2019 is how to build a personal brand. It can be quite frustrating when you are just starting out, with no audience, following, or sign of engagement. With these actionable steps below, you will be able to build a personal brand that reflects your business values … Continue reading Social Media Marketing Tips: How To Effectively Build Your Personal Brand In 2019

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BUSINESS Social Media

Social Media Marketing Tips: How To Increase Your Conversion Rate

April 19, 2022

Social Media is unarguably one of the best lead generation tools available today, yet, the conversion rates of many businesses utilising it are far from impressive. You may be investing a great deal of time and effort on social media in order to generate leads but if you are missing the important details, your efforts … Continue reading Social Media Marketing Tips: How To Increase Your Conversion Rate

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Social Media

Social Media Marketing Tips: What Small Business Owners Should Know

April 19, 2022

As a business owner looking to build a successful business, it is important that you inculcate strategies that would help you manage your time and resources more effectively. Social Media has made it easier than ever to connect with your customers, create brand awareness, and generate leads but you may find it difficult to achieve … Continue reading Social Media Marketing Tips: What Small Business Owners Should Know

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Social Media

Social Media Marketing Tips: Best Practices For Sharing Facebook Content

April 19, 2022

Among all social media channels, Facebook has been known to be the one of the more effective platforms for sharing and engaging with family and friends. This is what makes it tricky when it comes to sharing content for business purposes.  Here are some best practices you can incorporate in your content sharing on Facebook. … Continue reading Social Media Marketing Tips: Best Practices For Sharing Facebook Content

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Social Media

Social Media Marketing Tips: Conducting A Social Media Audit The Right Way

April 19, 2022

A social media audit is a way to know if your marketing efforts are paying off. Are you posting the right content? Is there a return on investment? Are you getting responses from your audience? These factors play a big role in your success on social media. This is why you need a social media … Continue reading Social Media Marketing Tips: Conducting A Social Media Audit The Right Way

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Social Media

Social Media Marketing Tips: 5 Ways To Develop An Effective Customer Retention Strategy

April 19, 2022

The marketing process involves the input of time and hard-earned resources in order to attract the right audience engage them and finally delight them. However, you also have to nurture your prospect and customers to ensure that your brand always remains the best option for them above all other existing alternatives. This is why you … Continue reading Social Media Marketing Tips: 5 Ways To Develop An Effective Customer Retention Strategy

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Social Media Marketing Tips: 6 Ways To Market Effectively On Instagram

April 19, 2022

Instagram has been shown to be the most engaging of all the social media platforms. A platform of such standing should be utilised in the best ways possible to create brand awareness and convert prospects to leads. What have your marketing strategies been like so far in the year 2018? How can you do better? … Continue reading Social Media Marketing Tips: 6 Ways To Market Effectively On Instagram

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Social Media

Social Media Marketing Tips: The Importance Of Content Calendars For Social Media

April 19, 2022

Often times, we have heard the phrase “content is king” and it is this king that sells on social media. Content is an important factor in social media because it creates brand awareness, encourages engagement and positions you as a thought leader in your field. If you run a business page that consistently puts out … Continue reading Social Media Marketing Tips: The Importance Of Content Calendars For Social Media

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Social Media Marketing Tips: The Social Media Channels And Their Relevance To Business

April 19, 2022

Social media is undeniably more prevalent than ever around the globe. In 2019, there will be an estimated 2.77 billion social network users and in 2021, 3.02 billion users. These numbers cut across many demographics and prove that social media is generally straightforward for the average mobile phone owner. It is a different ball game, … Continue reading Social Media Marketing Tips: The Social Media Channels And Their Relevance To Business

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Social Media

Social Media Marketing Tips: The Power Of Social Listening

April 19, 2022

Social Listening refers to the way you track conversations on social media relating to your industry and how you respond to them to encourage an increase in reach of your brand. With social listening, you are able to leverage your customers’ and prospects’ needs and satisfy them to the extent that they become leads. Some of … Continue reading Social Media Marketing Tips: The Power Of Social Listening

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Social Media

Social Media Marketing Tips: 5 Steps To Becoming A Successful Influencer

April 19, 2022

In one of our past articles, we discussed some tips for brands that want to work with influencers. This week, we will be looking from the perspective of the influencer. Here are some ways in which you can become the influencer that brands want to work with and make an extra source of income Be Content … Continue reading Social Media Marketing Tips: 5 Steps To Becoming A Successful Influencer

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Social Media Marketing Tips: Buyer Personas And What They Mean For Your Business

April 19, 2022

One of the fundamentals of inbound marketing that a business owner should have in mind when trying to execute a successful content marketing strategy is Buyer Personas. What are Buyer Personas? Imagine you’re an animator and your next project is to create a comical character based on a real-time figure. Beforehand, you would already have a picture … Continue reading Social Media Marketing Tips: Buyer Personas And What They Mean For Your Business

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Social Media Marketing Tips: What You Should Know About Micro-Influencers And How To Work With Them

April 19, 2022

As brands and social media experts become more conversant with the best practices for social media, they continually unravel trends that promote brand awareness and higher conversion rates. One of these trends is micro-influencers. They are the newly discovered players in the advertising industry and are rapidly replacing their counterparts, the macro-influencers. Micro-influencers are brand promoters with a significant … Continue reading Social Media Marketing Tips: What You Should Know About Micro-Influencers And How To Work With Them

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Sales Social Media

Social Media Marketing Tips: Hosting Giveaways The Right Way

April 19, 2022

People love to get free stuff, therefore leveraging on this fact to attract more customers has never been a bad idea. For giveaways to be profitable, you need to structure them in such a way that they attract mostly people in your target audience. Here are some useful steps you can follow to achieve this: Know … Continue reading Social Media Marketing Tips: Hosting Giveaways The Right Way

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Social Media

Social Media Marketing Tips: How To Build A Strong Social Media Personality

April 19, 2022

Building a strong social media personality whether for business or pleasure requires you to go an extra mile, than the average Jo, on social media; it requires you to take the right steps that will attract, the audience you are looking for, to your page and advocate for your brand in time. In this video, … Continue reading Social Media Marketing Tips: How To Build A Strong Social Media Personality

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