
Search result for: marketing tips

Social Media

Social Media Marketing Tips: What You Should Know About Twitter Spaces

April 19, 2022

  Twitter announced the launch of Twitter Spaces in December 2020. Accounts with 600 or more followers can now host Spaces on Twitter. This latest update affects users of both iOS and Android devices. Read more about Social media marketing tips This guide will teach you all you need to know about Spaces, including how … Continue reading Social Media Marketing Tips: What You Should Know About Twitter Spaces

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BUSINESS Social Media

Social Media Marketing Tips: How To Choose The Right Social Media Channel For Your Business 

April 19, 2022

  For many marketers and perhaps you, figuring out the best social media channel for your brand can seem overwhelming. There are over 15 Social media channels to choose from. Read more about Social media marketing tips At first, it may be tempting to jump on all social media channels and see what works. However, … Continue reading Social Media Marketing Tips: How To Choose The Right Social Media Channel For Your Business 

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How To Social Media

Social Media Marketing Tips: How To Increase Your Reach On Twitter 

April 19, 2022

  Your Twitter follower count is a high measure of how successful your brand can be on Twitter. Therefore, you can’t afford to just view it as a vanity metric. A bigger follower count not only indicates greater industry importance, but also shows your audience, leads, and consumers are paying attention to your brand. Read … Continue reading Social Media Marketing Tips: How To Increase Your Reach On Twitter 

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Social Media

Social Media Marketing Tips: 4 More Marketing Tips For Restaurants

April 19, 2022

  Running a restaurant requires a lot of hard work and business acumen. It’s possible to have great dishes but struggle to sell them out due to a lack of visibility. Social media is a great tool to advertise the meals you prepare and reach more customers. Read more about Social media marketing tips In … Continue reading Social Media Marketing Tips: 4 More Marketing Tips For Restaurants

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Social Media

Social Media Marketing Tips For Restaurants 

April 19, 2022

  If there is one business that needs to be on social media, it is a restaurant. Read more about Social media marketing tips Being able to market food effectively relies on beautiful visuals, a strong brand presence, and overall great content. Social media offers a cheap yet powerful way to do this, unlike most … Continue reading Social Media Marketing Tips For Restaurants 

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Social Media

Social Media Marketing Tips: How To Increase Your Facebook Reach Quickly 

April 19, 2022

  Growing your reach on a platform like Facebook can be daunting and intimidating. First, you’re up against your competitors. You also can’t afford to rely on only organic reach unlike in the past. How then do you increase your reach on Facebook? Read more about Social media marketing tips We share some tips to … Continue reading Social Media Marketing Tips: How To Increase Your Facebook Reach Quickly 

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BUSINESS Social Media

Social Media Marketing Tips

April 19, 2022

  Online or Digital Marketing has become the crux of marketing in our time. This is due to the high level of digitization – so many things getting done by a smartphone/PC and internet connection. Since businesses have been taken online, it is only wise that marketing those businesses be done online also. A major … Continue reading Social Media Marketing Tips

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5 Email Marketing Tips You Need To Know

April 19, 2022

  One of the surest ways of engaging in digital marketing is email marketing. Several businesses find it difficult to successfully run email marketing campaigns, due to certain challenges or sheer ignorance. Read more about Business It is not arguable that at some points, we must have had emails sent to us which go directly … Continue reading 5 Email Marketing Tips You Need To Know

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Social Media

Social Media Marketing Tips For SMEs

April 19, 2022

  Small and medium scale enterprises around the world especially in Nigeria face the challenge of marketing; struggling to find the right way to engage social media tools in the expansion of their business. This is understandable especially in Nigeria, taking into consideration the fact that the presence of social media is barely two decades … Continue reading Social Media Marketing Tips For SMEs

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How To Social Media

Social Media Marketing Tips: How To Come Up With Content Ideas 

April 19, 2022

  It is not always easy to generate content especially when you have to meet deadlines or reach set targets. This is something many content creators struggle with. Thankfully, there are several ways to ensure you’re never stuck for content. Read more about Social media marketing tips Below are a few tactics you can use … Continue reading Social Media Marketing Tips: How To Come Up With Content Ideas 

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Social Media

Social Media Marketing Tips For Religious Institutions

April 19, 2022

These days, not only do businesses see the relevance of staying visible on social media, even religious institutions are not missing out on the trend. Because of the porous nature of the social media world, it can be very difficult to manage conservative institutions that are centred on religious orientations. It is for this reason, … Continue reading Social Media Marketing Tips For Religious Institutions

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How To Social Media

Social Media Marketing Tips: How To Advertise On Twitter 

April 19, 2022

  How do you promote your products and reach new users on a platform that attracts millions of daily tweets and has a dynamic algorithm? This is where Twitter advertising comes in. Read more about Social media marketing tips Given the ease and affordability that characterise Twitter ads, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be … Continue reading Social Media Marketing Tips: How To Advertise On Twitter 

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Social Media

Social Media Marketing Tips: 4 Things You Can Do To Grow Consistently On Instagram

April 19, 2022

  Instagram is widely recognised as the most popular social media channel. It allows small businesses to connect with their customers and promote their brands. Read more about Social media marketing tips Here are four techniques for increasing Instagram engagements.      Make Your Message Consistent Ensure the message you’re trying to send to your … Continue reading Social Media Marketing Tips: 4 Things You Can Do To Grow Consistently On Instagram

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Social Media

Social Media Marketing Tips: 5 Ways To Make Money On Social Media

April 19, 2022

There’s never been a better time to make money on social media. With high engagement rates than ever before due to more and more people shifting their daily and work lives to online, social media has greatly streamlined the process of reaching an audience. Read more about Social media marketing tips Here are some tactics … Continue reading Social Media Marketing Tips: 5 Ways To Make Money On Social Media

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BUSINESS Social Media

Social Media Marketing Tips: 4 Ways To Transform Your Audience Into Advocates 

April 19, 2022

  Social media has turned the tides of marketing. Gone are the days when businesses had to place a priority on marketing pitches. Today, social media has made it possible for brands to receive exposure through word-of-mouth marketing. Read more about Social media marketing tips You can leverage this opportunity by giving consumers a reason … Continue reading Social Media Marketing Tips: 4 Ways To Transform Your Audience Into Advocates 

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