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  Are you an established business professional, entrepreneur, or investor with some time on your hands? Do you want to play a bigger role and make a tangible difference in Nigeria’s exciting startup ecosystem? Then, consider becoming a mentor inVC4A Mentor-Driven Capital Program.
Read more about Opportunities
‘Mentor-driven capital’ is one of VC4A’s approaches to creating value for startup ecosystems around the world. It’s about finding and supporting motivated and experienced mentors – like you –  to share your knowledge, experience and network that you’ve acquired over your career with promising entrepreneurs. As you support your mentee on his/her entrepreneurial journey, you get keen insights into the local startup ecosystem and, hone your own mentoring, business & leadership skills.

About The Program

The goal of this program is to boost your ability as a high-powered mentor through the Mentor-Driven Capital framework we’ve developed. You and the selected fellow business leaders will receive expert guidance, training, and hands-on support around mentoring, and join interactive sessions on topics like corporate partnership building and angel investing. The program is open to a maximum of 20 aspiring business mentors in Nigeria, or to those who have strong ties with – and interest in – Nigeria. The only thing you need to invest during the approx. The 4-month program is your valuable time, knowledge, and network!
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Application Timeline

February – March: Sourcing and selection April: Kick-off April – June: Mentoring July: Closing session

How To Apply

Submit a complete application by the 23rd of March if you are interested in this program. Shortlisted candidates will be followed up with separately. Deadline: March 23 Learn more: Featured image source: Business Trumpet News
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This article was first published on 17th March 2022


Chidiogo Shalom Akaelu holds a degree in English and Literary Studies, from the University of Nigeria. She is a freelance writer, editor and founder of Loana Press, a budding online publishing outlet.

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