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Jetlink Nigeria Limited, has partnered with Indian Integra Micro Systems (Integra), to promote financial inclusion in Nigeria, Ventures-Africa has reported. According to the report, “Jetlink will promote financial inclusion solutions from Integra to service the disconnected rural masses, while also enhancing the banking experience of the urban – connected customers in Nigeria where over 46 percent of the population do not have access to financial services. As part of the deal, Jetlink – Integra would promote iMFAST – Integra’s Mobile Financial Applications, Services and Technologies, the flagship platform for financial inclusion from Integra that is used by over 27 banks, serving more than 4 million customers, through 11,000 touch points across India. iMFAST is used in Branchless Banking, Mobile Banking, Micro Insurance, Public Distribution Systems, Electronic disbursements of Government benefits, Micropayments and Transactions gateways. Jetlink CEO, John Nwosu, said, “the partnership is in line with Jetlink’s commitment to provide excellent products and services through tested competence and multi-disciplinary skills that will add value to the businesses of its customers. Jetlink looks forward to help bridge the huge gap between the banked and the unbanked masses by bringing high quality, cost effective technological solutions and innovations from across the globe.” Mahesh Kumar Jain, CEO, Integra on his part said, “Integra is excited about the opportunities to serve customers at the bottom of the pyramid and this partnership will help it bring well tested financial inclusion solutions to the Nigerian markets. With leading edge technologies and services engineered at Integra, we are confident of providing customised solutions to the inclusion initiatives in Nigeria.”

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This article was first published on 20th July 2013

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