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The world operates as a global village. Hence, it is imperative for Nigerian Universities to be at par with the rest of the world. It is essential that we learn in an online environment. An environment different from the orthodox setting and allows for free participation. The elasticity of Virtual learning gives room for customization. As the educator is allowed for flexibility in customizing the learning space environment to fit a specific learning activity. Terrell and Dringus (2000) explain the online learning environment as a comprehensive structure that supports the process of learning through the implementation of a variety of instructional and communication technologies Probably, one wonders if there would be no alienation if we all learn in virtual space as the communication and interaction familiar to a classroom environment would be lost. This may be true, however, there are many mediums to comment and relate while learning via the internet. One problem of education in Nigeria is the absence of a virtual learning environment. This environment refers to a set of learning tools that enhance student’s learning process online. There are no trained teachers who understand the online world or should we say a clear generational gap between the trained instructors and the students. Hence, no perceived relationship between them.  Apart from institutions specially trained to receive lectures online, a few others just continue the manual way of teaching. Imagine visiting a university and a Professor do not know the word ‘Google’. True, he is well informed in other areas, but at an age where five year olds can operate a computer without assistance, you would think an authority who educates people on a subject should be aware of the advancements influencing this sector. Another reason that can cause absence of online classrooms in our institutions of learning, are the ever presence, or should I say, absence of PHCN. A university environment that has students holding flashlights during lectures, no doubt would have them putting on candles to relate with their colleagues abroad. Not to be ignored is the student’s failure to involve in informative discourse with counterparts around the world. Rather a student would appreciate Skyping with a friend or chatting on Instagram about trends in sports, fashion and the latest Kim Kardashian story. I am not disputing that being knowledgeable about lifestyles is somewhat needful, but what happened to exchanging textbooks on relevant topics, comparing lecture notes, etc. Well, to be completely honest, a lot of students make use of the social media to learn entrepreneurship skills, but most forget that the same rules apply to education.  A lot complain that we do not have the available contents in our various institutions that allow us to compete fairly, yet, they do not take advantage of the wide information channels we have at our disposal. Rather than spend time downloading latest Rihanna or Drake or Wizkid’s song, we can download and view videos on information about our field, so that we are aware of the new development around the world. Who knows, the next Milton had been discovered while we were twerking. Higher Educational Institutions in the United States and even National Open University, Nigeria, are constantly offering online courses, we can take advantages of such offers. To achieve Virtual learning in Nigeria, Faculty, administrators, and professionals need to be aware of how they design online interactions with courses, workshops, and student services. This effort would increase student’s competency in individual’s thinking and develop cognitive ability in conceptual approaches.

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This article was first published on 8th August 2017


Adepeju Adenuga is a writer (considering where you are reading this, makes perfect sense). She holds a Masters Degree in Literature in English from the University of Lagos.

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