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If, like me, you have oily skin and random pimples pop up on your face unannounced and just won’t go away, there is hope.

Here are three skin care regimens you should consider adopting.

Use Rose Water as a Cleanser

Rose, Water, Glass, Blossom, Bloom, Essential Oils

Rose water is made from water and rose petals. The brand I use has glycerin in it, a colourless, odourless liquid.

Read about Nigerian skin care brands

Rose water contains antioxidants which protect the skin cells against damage. I’ve noticed since I started using rose water as a cleanser that my face is less prone to pimples.

I put some rose water in a spray bottle and spray a fine mist over my face. And then I use cotton wool to cleanse in circular motions.

Rose water also has anti-inflammatory properties and helps with other conditions like eczema and conjunctivitis.

Wash your face

See the source image

It goes without saying, but wash your face with water. There are a lot of pollutants in the atmosphere that clog the pores in our skin. A buildup of impurities in the skin will make you more susceptible to pimples and acne. It is important to clean your face with water; not just with the facial wipes you remove makeup with at the end of the day. Your skin needs as much water as possible because water gets into the places that wipes cannot reach.

Find a facial soap that works for your skin type and wash your face at least twice daily.

Go some days without makeup

Yikes. This one is tough.

Concealer, foundation, powder and bronzer all get into the pores of the skin and if makeup is not properly removed (see second point), the dirt will gather.

Try to go some days without makeup (at least twice a week) so that your skin can breathe. If you’re self-conscious about your skin and don’t like going without makeup, try taking your off-days on weekends when you’re home.

The breather will do your skin a lot of good.

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Featured image source: Bauce Mag

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This article was first published on 4th January 2020
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Ibiene loves poetry and good books. She is the author of a collection of poems and short stories, 'Loving Gladys' (2020).

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