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Remember the joy that you felt when you found out you can now Netflix in Nigeria. Then when you started streaming videos, bad network and long buffering seemed to mess up your experience and kill your joy. Well, your experience is about getting better.

In order to ensure a seamless streaming of Netflix videos and possible elimination of buffer time, Netflix in conjunction with Spectranet has announced the launching of a dedicated Netflix server in Lagos. This is the first of its kind in West Africa.

According to David Venn, Spectranet’s CEO, “Because we focus on providing families with an excellent and affordable broadband service, this partnership with Netflix means that our customers will be able to enjoy the very best TV experience available in Nigeria. We are honoured that Netflix has selected Spectranet for one of its first deployments in Africa and the only one in West Africa.”

Netflix became available in Nigeria in January, but the service has been at its optimum, with this move, it is expected that the Nigerian Netflix experience would become seamless.

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This article was first published on 17th October 2016


Muna is a software programmer and developer with a passion for technology.

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