Our attitude is how we interpret our life experiences — our individual takes on life in general — how we make sense of reality. Attitude is of course a very powerful determinant of how far one can go in any endeavour. Still, a lot of people struggle with having a good attitude towards work and life. To help you develop a great attitude that will help you in your life, career and marriage, here are a few things to know about attitude.
1. To get far in any endeavour, you need to work on your attitude. Having a good, positive mental attitude will help you overcome any challenges that may tend to dog your path when embarking on any venture. Starting out on a new venture is guaranteed to make us feel queasy and nervous, but a good positive mental attitude will help you overcome the initial tremors.
2. Attitude affects health. When positive, happy thoughts imbue our bodies, we enjoy better health and our body responds accordingly. This impacts our productivity in the workplace and at home. The simple act of smiling can release a stream of chemicals that make us feel good. Studies have also shown that there is a direct relationship between good, positive attitudes and recovery.
3. Your attitude reflects you. Our attitude towards life and challenges are indicators of who we are. People with negative attitude tend to be chronic complainers with dark, dreary dispositions towards life and challenges. For them, every challenge is a stumbling block. People with positive attitude tend to have a sunny disposition towards life. They view challenges as stepping stones to greater things. On their best days, people with negative attitude find something to gripe and moan about; on their worst days, people with positive attitude find something to be grateful for.
Which one are you?
Have a great week.
About the author: Roman Ajiboye is a freelance writer who loves books, social media and the web. His articles have appeared on thescoopng.com and BlossomNnodim.com. He writes opinion pieces via medium.com/@HammedAjiboye, personal essays on his blog, strictlyroman.wordpress.com and tweets via @HammedAjiboye
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This article was first published on 26th October 2014 and updated on October 28th, 2014 at 8:28 am
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