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Doesn’t it just amaze you how 60hours speed past like the snap of a finger? All through the week, you pray and grovel, begging the Almighty to send the weekend, and finally, it comes.  You blink and it’s another Monday morning, the weekend is gone. The secret to workday success is having that weekend which leaves you refreshed and recharged. So when that doesn’t happen or when it feels just too short, the week is a downer.

So here are 10 tips to get you so vamped on the weekend that you hit Monday ready to go:

Don’t bring the office home: As much as you can, leave work out of your weekend to prevent feeling the stress. Plan and prioritize your schedule in such a way that you complete your weeks’ work right before you head home for the weekend. Create a Plan: Most of us think our weekend is a time to do nothing at all. It’s actually impossible not to do anything at all. Truth is when you don’t plan, you end up doing anything that comes your way. Anticipation accounts for the pleasure we derive from any experience we have. Plan and look forward to executing your plan. Make plans according to the season. Say No to Arguments: As much as you can, remove yourselves from unpleasant situations or toxic environment. Arguments that could cause you stress and make you miss out on the fun your weekends has to offer. Eat Out: When you can, rather than spend time preparing to cook, dress up and take yourself out. It doesn’t have to be anywhere fancy or distant. If you consider the traffic on the road and it looks like a bad day to be out, then have a picnic. Change the usual scene of your meals, spread a blanket beside your garden, and enjoy the refreshing sight of nature. Don’t  overdo your chores: The weekend is a time to relax, not to get into overdrive. Avoid the urge to redecorate your room every weekend just because you have less to do. Do your chores on weekdays to have less to do on weekends. It’s better to spend your weekend checking out a new movie or restaurant than to be chained to a washing machine. Say No to Uninvited Guests: We all know them, those guests that monitor your calendar just to know when you are around. Your hard earned weekend should not be spent waiting on people you really don’t have business hanging with. Just inform them that you have previously planned appointments and if they still come, as some would, be smart about sending them on their way immediately. Sleep Well: Give your body tissues the opportunity to repair itself, recover from the weeks’ beating. However, don’t over-binge on sleep and any other activity to the extent that your body becomes unnecessarily lazy. Stretch yourself occasionally: Take a walk, a stroll or even cycle around your neighborhood. Take out time to do some shopping, do not leave your weekend to chance and fate, pushing yourself out of your way may just give you clues to that business plan you had tried all week to figure out. Plan for the new week: Rather than feel sad about the weekend being over, make plans for the new week. Invest in the next 168 hours of your to come before the next weekend. Schedule your high-value activities and look forward to an amazing week.

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This article was first published on 4th November 2017 and updated on November 6th, 2017 at 9:19 am


Adepeju Adenuga is a writer (considering where you are reading this, makes perfect sense). She holds a Masters Degree in Literature in English from the University of Lagos.

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