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 In today’s fast paced world characterised by short attention span and multitasking, we find ourselves doing, or reading multiple things at the same time. This usually leads people to search for the best apps that can simplify their workload or better their productivity.

‘Drop’ is a news aggregating app that works with push notification. It provides you with the function of having all your favourite news channels at the tip of your fingers. The Drop app is available for download on the iOS and Android platforms.

Unlike other RSS readers like Feedly and the now dead Google Reader, you do not have to open the Drop app before you can access content. Once you install the app, the push notification settings on your phone seamlessly downloads news headlines onto your phone. You can then click on any link to read the full article.

Even though having notifications pop up at random times can be distracting, the Drop app’s notification system increases your productivity by giving you instant news on the go.

About the author: Amina Salau is a writer and editor running The Illuminated Pen. You can find her online at  and on Twitter (@_Aminah).

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This article was first published on 14th October 2014

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