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Yes, today is exactly 25 years when the World Wide Web first became publicly available courtesy of Sir Tim Berners-Lee. The world hasn’t remained the same since then. In celebration of this historic landmark, we compiled a few stories about people’s experiences using the internet.

Have fun reading…


I met a beautiful lady during my registration in UNILAG in 1999, a few months into the program, she travelled abroad, and for 6 years we lost contact. Fast forward, with the introduction of Facebook in 2007, my first friend was my sister who introduced me to Facebook, my second friend was my friend from secondary school who I last saw in 1994, and my third was my long lost special friend. We connected two days after I sent her a friend request, and we are happily married with two kids today… I have continued to connect with old friends through the web, and also do a lot of business. Trust me, the web don really ‘epp’ me.


Using the Internet for my debate presentation in debate society got the rules for debate presentation permanently changed when I looked up “the iron fist” to discuss German society on Google images and ended up clicking on the first image that came up, which loaded into a pixel image of a woman getting fisted close up. The debate was never finished.


We all know these “Instagram streets” are tough. You know how you have over a thousand follows but still get 10-12 and you begin to wonder if the rest have faded from the surface of the earth? So you can imagine how my first day was and the day following. At that time Instagram just came out, so it was very popular, I remember texting people and accepting anyone just so I could get my likes up(and no, we couldn’t buy likes then). I would post one selfie 5-6 times at a go, someone even texted me telling me I needed to up my game and improve on my Instagram posts. You can imagine all the effort I put only for someone to say that. Looking back, it’s really funny how I let it get to me so much. I still enjoy using Instagram and my posts are definitely better, but unlike before I don’t let the number of likes determine how I should feel or whether I look good


Did I make it? Or did I miss the cut? My heart races as I got close to finding out. On a computer screen, the page slowly unfolded to reveal the list containing the names of successful applicants. My eyes ran through it in a focused and frantic way. Then I found it – my name, written in upper case. I pinched the air in ecstasy; I had been offered admission into the University of Nigeria.


I got my first browsing mobile device at an early age. I was overwhelmed by the fact that I could download all these interesting games and mp3 music at Wapking and Tegros just with a few clicks. Then we browsed without subscription using the OperaMini cheat. But one day I was browsing while using the toilet and my phone dropped in while I was about to flush.


The first day I used the Internet, I was so immersed in it that I missed my lectures and spent the whole day browsing the internet.


I remember opening Google on my Mum’s Nokia 6030, sometime before the internet got big in Nigeria and feeling like the first person to access the internet on a mobile phone in my family.

What’s your own story!!! You can add yours in the comment box below.  

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This article was first published on 23rd August 2016


Muna is a software programmer and developer with a passion for technology.

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