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The world is a beautiful place, filled with different people with different faces, and different names. There are numerous races on this earth, Europeans, Africans, Asians, Hispanic, Jewish, and a lot more. Mindless of the racial group or ethnic affiliation you belong to on earth, there is one true emotion that should always remind us that we are the same and that is love. No one should see him/herself as superior to another especially as regards the colour of one’s skin, it should always be about recognizing we have to respect each other and understand cultural differences. Despite efforts made by global figures like Nelson Mandela, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, and others in the fight against racism, it is still a major problem confronting the globe. The United Nations understands the need for global awareness as regards this issue, prompting the need for the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

Read more about International Days


The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is a product of the Sharpeville Massacre in apartheid South Africa, an event which saw 69 people murdered by the police in South Africa on March 21, 1960, owing to a peaceful demonstration against apartheid ‘’pass laws.’’ The demonstrators which were largely blacks had shots fired at them for simply letting the government know their stand against laws meant to promote white supremacy in South Africa. Six years later (1966), the United Nations called on the international community to improve efforts aimed at eliminating racial discrimination and proclaimed March 21st of every year as International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

The day aims to remind the globe of the negative consequences associated with racial discrimination, and also encourage people to always remember their obligation and determination in the fight against racial discrimination. Further, the United Nations called on governments and organizations in 1983 to be part of a program of action to combat racism and racial discrimination. In 2001, the UN held the World Conference against Racism and Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, and has continued with efforts geared towards fighting every form of racial intolerance.

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International Day For The Elimination Of Racial Discrimination 2020: The midterm review of the International Decade for People of African Descent

This year’s observation of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is largely focused on the midterm review of the International Decade for People of African Descent which was undertaken during the 43rd session of the UN General Assembly by the Human Rights Council.The International Decade for People of African Descent,  is meant to be observed from 2015 to 2024, and serves as a solid framework towards taking measures to address issues affecting the black race in the spirit of recognition, justice and development.

Globally, there are around 200 million people in the Americas that identify themselves as being of African descent and millions more live in other parts of the world. Whether as descendants of black people that were victims of the transatlantic slave trade or the migrant population, people of African descent make up a large number of the most marginalized and poorest groups in the world. Limitations to health services, education, housing and social security, and political participation are often less for the black race. Also, people of African descent due to certain factors like age, language, religion, sex, political opinion, property, disability, birth, or even social origin, are prone to multiple forms of discrimination. Having a midterm review of the International Decade for People of African Descent is not out of place in order the examine the effectiveness of the UN in implementing resolutions as regards it.




Featured Image Source: Dreams Time

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This article was first published on 21st March 2020
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I am a Lion, I love to hit heights that seem impossible so I can motivate others and prove doubters wrong. For me, impossible is nothing. I'm open to learning and I love to read, travel and meet new faces.

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