“Corruption begets more corruption, and fosters a corrosive culture of impunity. The United Nations Convention against Corruption is among our primary tools for advancing the fight. Sustainable Development Goal 16 and its targets also offer a template for action.”
— UN Secretary-General, António Guterres
The global campaign “Corruption: An impediment to the Sustainable Development Goals” focuses on how corruption affects education, health, justice, democracy, prosperity and development.
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Why? Because corruption is a serious crime that can undermine social and economic development in all societies. No country, region or community is immune to this crime.
Corruption is a complex social, political and economic phenomenon that affects all countries. Corruption undermines democratic institutions, slows economic development and contributes to governmental instability.
Corruption attacks the foundation of democratic institutions by distorting electoral processes, perverting the rule of law and creating bureaucratic quagmires whose only reason for existing is the soliciting of bribes. Economic development is stunted because the foreign direct investment is discouraged and small businesses within the country often find it impossible to overcome the “start-up costs” required because of corruption.
Adoption of the Anti-Corruption Day
On 31 October 2003, the General Assembly adopted the United Nations Convention against Corruption and requested that the Secretary-General designate the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) as the secretariat for the Convention’s Conference of States Parties (resolution 58/4).
The Assembly also designated 9 December as International Anti-Corruption Day, to raise awareness of corruption and of the role of the Convention in combating and preventing it. The Convention entered into force in December 2005.
Governments, the private sector, non-governmental organizations, the media and citizens around the world are joining forces to fight this crime. The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) are at the forefront of these efforts.
Annual ‘Costs’ of Corruption
Every year $1 trillion is paid in bribes while an estimated $2.6 trillion are stolen annually through corruption – a sum equivalent to more than 5 per cent of the global GDP. In developing countries, according to the United Nations Development Programme, funds lost to corruption are estimated at 10 times the amount of official development assistance. Corruption is a serious crime that can undermine social and economic development in all societies. No country, region or com+munity is immune. This year UNODC and UNDP have developed a joint global campaign, focusing on how corruption affects education, health, justice, democracy, prosperity and development.
The 2017 joint international campaign focuses on corruption as one of the biggest impediments to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
How to Contribute to the Fight against Corruption
People often think that corruption is “just a way of life”, but every society, sector and individual would benefit from standing United against Corruption.
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Here are some examples of how you can stand and fight against corruption.
- Ratify and enact the UN Convention against Corruption. Countries that successfully attack corruption are far more legitimate in the eyes of their citizens, creating stability and trust.
- Know what Convention requires of your government and its officials.
- Rooting out corruption allows social and economic development.
- Educate the public about the government’s responsibility to be corruption-free.
- Equal and fair justice for all is a crucial element for a country’s stability and growth. It also helps to effectively fight crime.
- Raise awareness with the public, media and government about the costs of corruption for key services such as health and education.
- All of the society benefits from functioning basic services.
- Engage the youth of your country about what ethical behaviour is, what corruption is and how to fight it, and to demand their right to education.
- Ensuring that future generations of citizens are brought up to expect corruption-free countries is one of the best tools to ensure a brighter future.
- Report incidents of corruption.
- Create an environment where the rule of law prevails.
- Refuse to participate in any activities that are not legal and transparent.
- Increases both domestic and foreign investment. Everyone is more willing to invest in countries when they see that funds are not being siphoned off into the pockets of corrupt officials.
- Foster economic stability by enforcing zero-tolerance practices towards corruption.
- A transparent and open business community is a cornerstone of any strong democracy.
Anti Corruption Day
Awareness Days
Featured Image Source: Coe.in
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