Research has shown that the brain registers the pain of
rejection the same way it registers the pain of a broken arm. MIR scans show that the parts of the brain that becomes active after a physical injury are the same that goes active when a human undergoes rejection. This is because the same way humans are wired for health is the same way that the brain is wired for human interactions.
Read more about How-To
The great thing about all this is that overcoming the pain of rejection helps in the development of the
brain. This is a good scientific reason to feel better after undergoing rejection still, many people find it hard to bounce back.
Here are a few steps to help you overcome rejection.
Accept that rejection is a part of life. Beyoncé has about 23 Grammys but has been rejected more than 46times. Everyone has at one point in their lives or the other experienced some sort of rejection. Why is this? Because wishes are not horses and life is not exactly a bed of roses. You must accept that as a human, you are bound to be rejected.
Find Your Fault
It is true that you did your best but find your fault. It takes two to tango so find out where it is that you erred. When one has that understanding, it is now easy for you to see that you might give your absolute best to the world and it can be rejected, not because it is not good enough but simply because it is the way of the world. Do not beat yourself about it, finding the place you erred in a presentation can change your next outcome.
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Re-Establish Social Interactions
Your brain needs as much social interaction to heal as much as your body needs nutrients to heal. If you deprive yourself of the much needed social interaction boost, you spiral down the place of self-doubt, depression and ultimately suicide. Your brain needs the fresh air that healthy social networks bring. To deprive yourself of this is fatal to your healing process. You must be intentional about meeting new people to replace the neurons of the old experience.
As a result of social media, many young persons have had modern conveniences that seem to replace the need for traditional connections and community groups. The consequence of relying heavily on these conveniences is that they are devoid of life and offers a fake form of placebo. If you should add that to the pressure from social media for a person to be perfect, you would see that this generation does not have the capacity to take rejection.
To avoid long term medical conditions that result from stewing in depression, it is important to form a strong community of people that love you regardless of your failings or achievements. This can serve as a shock absorber or a springboard for definitive forms of rejections that would come along.
Featured Image Source: MadamNoire
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This article was first published on 17th July 2021
Grace Christos Is a content creator with a proven track record of success in content marketing, online reputation management, sales strategy, and so much more.
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