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  Social media is an amazing tool to share your message with the world. But with so much content being posted all the time, it can be hard to get your posts seen and reach a wide audience. If you want to increase your reach to get more people to see what you share on social media, here are some helpful tips:
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  • Post At The Best Times

The times when you post content can make a big difference in how many people see it. Different platforms and audiences tend to be most active during different times of day and days of the week. Do some research on when your particular followers are typically online scrolling their feeds. Analytic tools can show you the best days and times to post for maximum visibility.
  • Use Relevant Hashtags

To increase your reach on social media, take note of hashtags. Hashtags are powerful ways to get your content discovered by new people beyond just your existing followers. Identify a few core, relevant hashtags for your niche or industry and include them in all your posts. But don’t overdo it – too many hashtags can look messy. Just 1-3 solid, popular hashtags per post can connect you to wider interests and conversations.
  • Engage With Your Audience

Social media is called that for a reason – it’s meant to be social! Don’t just broadcast content into the void. Take time to engage authentically with your followers by liking their posts, replying to comments, asking questions, and sharing their content too. The more engaged you are, the more likely your followers are to see and interact with your posts in their feeds.
  • Go Live Occasionally

Live video is a great way to connect with your audience in the moment and broadcast to more users on social apps. Platforms prioritize surfacing live video content. So going live from time to time, even just to chat with viewers or answer questions, can massively boost your visibility and engagement for that period.
  • Team Up With Others

Collaborating and cross-promoting with complementary accounts is an effective way to tap into a whole new audience. To increase your reach on social media, find other creators or brands in your space that align well with your values and content. Work together on campaigns, contests, shares, or other partnership opportunities to get exposed to each other’s fanbases.
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  • Post Consistently

One of the most important factors for growing your reach is simply posting consistently great content on a regular schedule. Pick a cadence you can realistically maintain – whether that’s multiple posts per day or just a few quality posts per week. Accounts that provide a constant stream of fresh, valuable content get rewarded by the algorithms.
  • Create Visually Engaging Content

These days, plain text posts just don’t cut it if you want to stand out in crowded social feeds. Creating visually appealing, thumb-stopping graphics, videos, animations, or other multimedia content will grab people’s attention much more effectively. To increase your reach on social media, use tools to produce high-quality visual assets.
  • Run Targeted Ads and Boosts

While having an organic social media strategy is crucial, paid advertising can also help quickly amplify your reach to very specific audiences. Don’t boost posts aimlessly – get strategic with targeting the most relevant interests, behaviours, ages, locations and other demographics.
  • Analyze and Adjust

Increasing your social reach is an ongoing process of testing and optimization. Use data-backed insights from analytic tools to continually analyze your top-performing posts and content traits. Then adjust your strategies accordingly over time to double down on what’s delivering the best reach and engagement.
  • Ask Your Audience to Share

One of the best ways to rapidly extend your reach is by asking your existing fans and mutual followers to help spread the word! Encourage them to share and reshare your best posts with their networks. Create shareable, remarkable content worth passing along. Consider giveaway incentives for sharing.
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Final Thoughts

Social media reach doesn’t just happen overnight. However, following smart strategies like these can steadily grow awareness and visibility for your accounts over time. Stay consistent and keep tweaking your approach for maximum impact.
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This article was first published on 30th May 2024


Chidiogo Shalom Akaelu holds a degree in English and Literary Studies, from the University of Nigeria. She is a freelance writer, editor and founder of Loana Press, a budding online publishing outlet.

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