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So, there is this story making the rounds about December 25th not being the day Jesus Christ was born according to the history books and biblical evidence. The first recorded date of Christmas being celebrated on December 25th was in 336AD, during the time of the Roman Emperor Constantine (he was the first Christian Roman Emperor). A few years later, Pope Julius I officially declared that the birth of Jesus would be celebrated on the 25th December.  Just like the cover of a book can hardly express to the fullest its content and just as the content of a work is independent of the writer who wrote it, we can hardly judge the content of this day by the day itself. Jesus Christ has been confirmed in history and supported by biblical evidence as a man who lived on earth. What does his life on earth teach us? How do you celebrate Christmas right? A time to love and share Jesus Christ is the Christian’s standard for love that is pure and true and historically, on this day, this man who embodies unconditional love came to the world to the purpose of laying down his life that those who believe in him might have everlasting life. Therefore, this day has stood and still stands as a day when any man can be like Christ to show love to another and give as much as he can to the improvement of others. So as you revel in this day, do not forget a neighbor or any one you can help better his Christmas celebration. You can visit an orphanage to spend quality time with the children and give them gifts. You can express your love to your family and show them you care and love them through your actions. A time to reflect The people in the world that believe Jesus Christ came to lay down his life for us so that we can have eternal life take this day seriously and spend it as a time to reflect on the love God has shown unto mankind. They use this day to ponder on how they can serve God better, serve their fellow human beings better, become a better person and make the world a better place. With Jesus Christ as the standard, Christians all around the world see this day as a time to reflect on love. Dedicating time to reflect is thus a practice every man should make a custom. Through this, we can, with accuracy and sure steps, take account if we are truly heading to our desired destination. A time to connect and bond According to Christianity’s point of view, this God of love who became man came that we, the people of the world who receive him as Lord, “can be called the sons of God.” He came to the world to lay down his life to secure our relationship with him. God came in form of a man to connect and bond with man and bring him into a higher life. So while you are at it, eating, wining and dining in the comfort of your house, make sure you at least step outside to connect again with a friend that has thought they will never see you again. Bond with family members you might have grudges with and if the virtual is your atmosphere, step into the reality of human relationships this day and connect with a human. So this year, whoever you are, Christmas is meant to be celebrated and you might as well do it right.  

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This article was first published on 25th December 2013

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