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  For something that has a huge chunk of the world’s attention especially in the era of a pandemic, the gaming scene is at best, pretty muted in Nigeria. The reasons for this are not far-fetched to be fair. Many people still think gaming is something children do and expect that as adults, we should outgrow that passion. They say it so much, you actually start to believe it.
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Reality has taught me better and it appears the generation of children that gamed in the ’80s and ’90s never quite outgrew, instead, they made a real killing out of it. Gaming is big and growing. In 2017, the gaming industry was worth over $78 billion. In the past year, revenues are projected to have beaten the $100 billion. Mobile gaming is by far the fastest-growing section in the gaming industry and many big game developers are scaling there biggest titles down to mobile. PUBG, Call of Duty, Fortnite and Grant Theft. So I am sure that you as an enthusiast or casual observer reading this is wondering if there are any prospects in Nigeria. I am here to tell you that there are. In fact, there are some esports teams in the country and this article is all about telling you about them. So here are five Nigerian esports teams.  

Sidizens Gaming

Sidizens Esports Limited was founded by none other than ace music veteran Sidney Esiri (Dr Sid). Established in 2019, it has been popular for its exploits in PUBG and they are based in Lagos. Codename: #SidizensGaming

Allianz Gaming

Allianz Gaming is an Abuja based esports outfit that runs tournaments as well as owns a competitive team. They also merchandise, manufacture some peripheral gaming gear and do merchandise. Codename: #TheCitizens
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The Kaduna outfit is not just an esports brand. They engage in the sport at the grassroots level and also are into art hence the name. it was founded in 2015.

League of Extraordinary

LXG is a multi-gaming platform that engages specialist gamers of different platforms to express their passion for gaming. It is Lagos based and was founded in 2018. Codename: #LXG

Endgame Esports Academy

The platform is a learning institution for churning out gaming talent as well as giving them hands-on experience as part of its team. Founded in 2019, the school only began accepting applicants last January 2020. Codename: #Endgame At the risk of sounding too optimistic, I think gamers can become the latest subset of successful internet entrepreneurs just like designers and developers and video content creators. As far as tech goes, this may be the new frontier. You might want to dig in now if you are an enthusiast. Featured image source: Sidizens Gaming
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This article was first published on 25th January 2021


Some call me David. Others, Emerie. Others, (unfortunate fellows) Biggie. I like to think that I have sense and that is why I write too. Otherwise, I draw and paint and sing (in the bathroom) and love to make people laugh. I love to understand how things work and that’s why I love DIY videos and YouTube of course. Follow me on Twitter @EmerieOkwara

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