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Your birthday only comes once a year, so you might as well enjoy the next one. It gets boring doing the same things over and over each year. Birthdays are supposed to be exciting and fun-filled, the last one being more memorable than the other. Since we only get to celebrate it once a year, why not make it as adventurous as possible? For those of us that are fond of repeating the same routine on our birthdays, here are some suggestions that can make the next celebration something to write home about:

1. Buy yourself a gift

It is normal to get a lot of gifts from family and friends that come to celebrate with you, but have you ever thought to give yourself a treat? Try and think about what you would like for yourself on your birthday, then get it and present it to yourself preferably in private. It will be a much different sensation from when someone else gives it to you.

2. Go on a trip

Most people have parties and play games in similar locations year in year out. Instead of having a house party, why not set up a trip? You can take few important people along or you can just decide to go alone. Alternatively, you can invite all your friends and family and have some sort of one-day vacation.

3. Give to charity

The usual is to get gifts from people on your birthday, but you can turn the next one around by sharing with the less privileged. You can visit the hospitals, prisons or motherless babies’ homes and share some gifts. It is never too small, you can play your own part by being kinder to the needy even if it is only once a year.

4. Indulge in a hobby

You do not have to spend your entire birthday pleasing people and smiling to guests, you can decide to do something you really enjoy. Take the day off and go in search of something that makes you feel good. Swimming, painting or meeting new people just do whatever makes you happy. You know it only comes once a year right?

5. Get a tattoo

If you feel comfortable getting a tattoo, you can start a collection of them on your body. People get tattoos every day, and you can start yours on your birthday. Make sure you do your research properly though so that you can determine whether your skin can handle it or not. Also, you should research the tattoo artist to confirm his or her procedures are safe.

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This article was first published on 22nd April 2017
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Opoola Jelifat is a young and passionate writer. She holds a B.Sc degree in Microbiology and enjoys reading, cooking and writing on real life issues. She is currently pursuing a Masters degree at the University of Ibadan. Contact her on, and via Twitter and facebook by clicking the icons below.

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