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We eat through our eyes, the first thing that attracts us to a meal is the food colours.  The colour of our foods tells funny tale whether the meal would be appetizing or not. That is why we have green leafy vegetables, orange carrots, red pepper, and yellow corn, orange among others. Color affects the decisions we individuals make with food choices. Taste is a product of our genes and environment. Taste is more than just the science of how our sensory system works. Colour has been used for centuries to enhance food palatability and acceptance.  Food is first a feast to the eyes. Because before we allow our food pass through our lips it must be pleasing to our eyes. Colour affects almost everything in life. It is the food colour that brings out the WOW factor. 

Interesting facts about Food Colours.

  • Do you know that colour red makes us feel hungry? Our appetites are sparked when we see red colour or surrounded by red. 
  •  Research has revealed that the colour yellow can speed up our metabolism! We burn more calories around yellow. 
  • The combination between Ketchup and Mustard. Red and yellow allow us to be filled with foods. The idea is that red and yellow, joined together would make the perfect visual and psychological companionship for making us want to stop and eat.
  • Blue is recommended for many who are interested in dieting because it makes you slow down on eating. It is an appetite suppressant.  To discourage your children from eating just put a blue light in your fridge, your kitchen and your dining room, they would sleep before eating the plate. 
  • Green foods are assumed to be healthy foods, which is why most people would love to buy green vegetables at the market because they feel it is fresh and nutritious.
  • White foods are tricksters. They give you the feeling of not fully satisfied so you end up over eating.

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This article was first published on 7th September 2017


Adepeju Adenuga is a writer (considering where you are reading this, makes perfect sense). She holds a Masters Degree in Literature in English from the University of Lagos.

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