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IT’S quite easier now to access the internet than it was a few years back. Presently, according to NCC, Nigeria has 92 million internet users and this is an impressive number. But not up to half the projected population of Nigeria.

There is still more to be done to ensure internet reached everyone and Facebook seems to be doing that. According to a post by Techsuplex, Facebook In partnership with Cool Link is launching Express Wi-Fi, a new program that lets phone owners purchase data at an affordable rate.

Express Wi-Fi by Facebook was first launched in India last month and seems to be doing okay there. The idea is to provide fast and affordable internet service to the general populace through a partnership with local internet service providers. The service should launch sometime this week and is already undergoing test run in some part of Ikeja Lagos.

Also, Express Wi-Fi by Facebook seeks to empower entrepreneurs with the Express Wi-Fi equipment inclusive of 1kwa inverters and free setup. Also, they would make a 15% commissions on each Express Wi-Fi data plan sold.

You can sign up here for a 14day free trial if you’re within the coverage area.

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This article was first published on 30th August 2016 and updated on September 1st, 2016 at 11:11 am


Muna is a software programmer and developer with a passion for technology.

Comments (1)

One thought on “Express Wi-Fi Brought To You by Facebook and Cool Link”

  • It has been halted or banned in INDIA for being against the net neutrality Principle of the Internet that states: Internet service providers should enable access to all content and applications regardless of the source, and without favoring or blocking particular products or websites.

    I don’t know if its the same thing Facebook intends to do here.

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