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Remember that year someone somewhere decided to repackage the ice water business to the more appealing pure water business? You’d also remember that because of the widespread acceptance of pure water over ice water, it soon went on to entirely replace the ice water business.

Today, you don’t see ice water in knotted polyethylene bags, instead, you’ll find the same quantity (and maybe quality) of water in neatly packaged and sealed polyethylene sachets. What changed? A simple repackaging. And boom, that was the end of the ice water business. In the tech world, you would have seen a million disruptions thrown around because of that.

A similar disruption started years ago, the bottled water, which is the same quantity (and I dare say quality) of water put in plastic bottles with a sealed cap. Even though it costs five times more, many still prefer it because it looks “safer,” it’s better packaged, and somehow makes the drinker feel like they have climbed higher on the social ladder compared to those who buy pure water.

A similar phenomenon is sweeping through the education industry. Parents and students are increasingly turning to private tutoring agencies to complement what students get in formal everyday classrooms.

While teachers and other individuals have long offered tutoring services, it is the private tutoring agencies with better organizational structure, impressive line-ups of qualified tutors and shiny websites that are taking the lion share of tutoring revenues, leaving crumbs for old-time players like teachers who offer after-school lessons.

There is a feeling that the education and attention students get in formal class settings is inadequate for them to pass exams and also stay competitive in today’s world. The state of education in the country is worrisome and parents, guardians and education providers alike realize it. Class sizes (especially in public schools) continue to grow due to increased enrollment, but that much cannot be said about the quality of education.

Because of the growing class sizes, teachers are unable to meet the individual needs of students, just as parents, who are often quite busy with work, barely have the time to help their kids with school work. This is where you, the private tutor agency owner, come in.

With private tutoring said to be in the top 16 industries for starting a new business globally and a report by a Global Analysts, Inc. suggesting that the market will exceed $227 billion by 2022, it’s the perfect time to get into the fray.

You have a network of very qualified subject tutors signed up. You have done a good job of a background check on them and can guarantee they can effectively teach and guide students without fear of jeopardizing the safety of the kids.

Parents need you to help their children succeed academically and they will pay for it. And you, the entrepreneur would be killing three birds with a stone:

  • Help kids become better people by providing them quality education.
  • Help parents focus better on their jobs by not having to worry about their kids’ school work.
  • Make a consistent income for your expert tutors and of course, your humble self.

You see, everyone wins!

Still not convinced? Join me next week for the concluding part of this piece.

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This article was first published on 24th March 2017

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