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  If you’re a business, you’ll know how good you feel when you get a positive review from a customer. It’s a sign that you’re getting something right with your product or service, a nod of approval that makes you want to do even better.
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But reviews generate more than just good feelings. If you use them correctly, they could bring in more traffic for your business. It’s a well-known fact that buyers have greater trust in product reviews than what ads or salespeople tell them. That’s because reviews are supposedly written by people just like them, who may have used the product in question. As such, reviews may indicate how good (or bad) the said product is. If you’d like to get more reviews from customers—the sort that can boost your sales –here are six things you can do to make that happen.

Ask Buyers

More often than not, people who have enjoyed your product or service may fail to leave you a review. That’s probably because you haven’t asked them how their experience with your product has gone. If you’re not doing this, you may be passing up an opportunity to harvest stellar endorsements. Where it’s possible, ask your buyers to leave a comment about how their experience with your business has gone, and say what they think of your offerings. A few people could respond in a way that’ll convince prospective customers to try you out.

Make It Easy

Make it easy for your customers to drop their reviews with you, and you’ll probably get more of them than you’re currently receiving. One way to simplify reviews collection is by having a segment on your site that asks customers to share their experience of your services. This segment should be easy to find and should be designed to immediately appeal to visitors. With more reviews coming in, you’ll have a larger pool to use, consisting of some really good material you could share with the public on your channels.

Reward Reviews

This is a sure way to gather positive feedback. If people aren’t given to reviewing your product or service for some reason, you could get them enthusiastic about doing so by promising a gift for each review they leave.
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You could even run a contest in which people share videos about their experience with your product. If the contest garners some traction, your product will receive a good deal of attention from the public. This in turn will make many people interested in your brand and may lead them to your doorstep.

Engage Customers On Social Media   

Customers can also post positive reviews on social media and may tag your company in the post. When they do, recognize them for it. By liking and sharing their post, you could generate social proof for your brand and more visibility for them. There’s no harm in asking for feedback on social media. The responses you get may be seen by an extensive network of people, some of whom may have their interest in your product piqued by posts about it.

Respond To Negative Reviews

No one wants to get negative reviews about their service. But, ironically, such reviews provide you with a chance to turn things around and score a good point with the reviewer. If you get a thumb-down from a customer, you can respond by asking to engage them concerning the problem that irks them. Even if you’re unable to take things further than this, viewers of the exchange will tell that you’re concerned about your customer’s opinion—something that a prospective customer would appreciate. Conduct A Survey If you are confident about the quality of service you render, you could run a simple survey to ask existing users of your product how satisfied they are with it. If the result is significantly positive, you could refer to it on your website, on social media, and in your marketing campaigns. This data could turn a lot of undecided people into buyers because it indicates that there’s a lot of trust in your service. Here are Five Free Online Survey Tools Your Business Can Use. Final Words Great reviews can do a lot of good for your business. With them, you’ll attract the attention of the public, and convince more prospects to give you a try. Featured Image Source: Small Business Trends
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This article was first published on 23rd August 2021
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Ikenna Nwachukwu holds a bachelor's degree in Economics from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. He loves to look at the world through multiple lenses- economic, political, religious and philosophical- and to write about what he observes in a witty, yet reflective style.

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