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Food poisoning occurs when food is not handled or prepared properly. It can occur either consciously or unconsciously when food is contaminated with harmful chemicals, toxins, and pathogens. Food poisoning involves the ingestion of harmful materials into the body which causes negative reactions and effects inside the body system. The good news is that food poisoning is preventable and can be avoided by sticking to certain healthy habits and staying away from food prepared under bad conditions. Here are some useful ways to prevent food poisoning:

  • Wash hands properly: It is easy to transfer germs from the hands into food when eating or when cooking. Before handling food, ensure that the hands are clean enough so as not to introduce harmful materials into the food. For example, an individual coming from the toilet should not touch food without properly cleansing his hands.


  • Avoid spoilt food: Some people believe that spoilt food can still be eaten if cooked for long enough. Although most microorganisms in the food may be killed, their toxins can withstand heat and cause infections and diseases once ingested. If your food is spoilt, it is better to go hungry than eat a meal that will cause more harm.

  • Reduce outdoor eating: Eating out once in a while may be harmless, but when it becomes a daily routine, one is at a higher risk of food poisoning. It is far safer to cook and eat your meals in your own house. At least you will be sure of the sanitary conditions under which the food has been prepared.

  • Rinse raw fruits and vegetables: Just because you bought the fruits from a supermarket does not mean that they do not need rinsing, in fact, they may need to be soaked in and washed with salty water before being consumed. Vegetables such as cabbages and lettuce that are usually consumed in their raw form should be cleaned properly before being eaten.


  • Avoid expired products: On no account should you consume an expired product. If you do and end up with serious health problems, the company making the product is in no way accountable. That is why you have to check the expiry date of any processed food before consuming it. The most common ones to look out for are usually canned foods and drinks.

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This article was first published on 11th October 2016


Opoola Jelifat is a young and passionate writer. She holds a B.Sc degree in Microbiology and enjoys reading, cooking and writing on real life issues. She is currently pursuing a Masters degree at the University of Ibadan. Contact her on, and via Twitter and facebook by clicking the icons below.

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