Is Your Business Ready to Scale?
3rd April 2018
I want to scale my business! This is a common statement I read from emails, DM’s and form submissions we receive at Tale Alimi Global. Statistics show that 70% of businesses find it hard to scale their business. The reason is that scale is not for amateurs. Most people who say they want to scale … Continue reading Is Your Business Ready to Scale?

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The Unspoken Rules Of Business Growth: Clarity, Capital and Connection
26th February 2018
I have been studying the interconnection of The Three C’s in business and I would like to share a few observations: Capital Every time I am interviewed about small businesses in Nigeria, I am asked how business owners or aspiring business owners can raise capital to start or grow their business. I usually suggest they … Continue reading The Unspoken Rules Of Business Growth: Clarity, Capital and Connection

3 Things That Are Important For Your Business To Grow This Year
16th January 2018
Welcome to 2018! The Holidays were quite amazing and I had 5 whole days to rest, eat and spend time with Family. Everything was dandy until I climbed the scale during my year-end medical check-up, and I had gained 4kg! That was the moment when my mind shifted back to ‘reality’ and I switched back … Continue reading 3 Things That Are Important For Your Business To Grow This Year

You Need To Get Uncomfortable To Grow Your Business
27th November 2017
Change is so uncomfortable! They say change is the only constant thing in life, but the truth is we really don’t like change….Okay let me speak for myself, I really don’t like change. Now, this is coming from someone who considers herself somewhat of an adventurist. I enjoy telling stories of landing in a strange … Continue reading You Need To Get Uncomfortable To Grow Your Business

This Was Supposed to Be the Year!
11th October 2017
I remember entering the year with great anticipation! This was supposed to be the year where a lot of my dreams that I had nurtured over the years would finally come true. Once I crossed over to January 1, I was on the clock to launch the ‘Find your niche challenge’, release my book Uplevel, … Continue reading This Was Supposed to Be the Year!

Is your Mindset helping or hurting your business?
13th September 2017
I felt it was not big enough to be proud of…. When I was running my last business, I thought until we were doing revenues in the hundreds of millions, I could not proudly say I had a ‘thriving business’. What gave me this mindset? Expectations and wrong perspectives. I had just finished my MBA … Continue reading Is your Mindset helping or hurting your business?

You Can’t Build a Big Business with a Small Dream
17th August 2017
I finally figured out what was wrong! I took some time off work to do some ‘internal’ brain storming. Our company turned two and whilst I was feeling grateful that we had being able to serve over 200 business owners and corporate executives, I was feeling dissatisfied at the same time… Whilst some of our … Continue reading You Can’t Build a Big Business with a Small Dream

Cut to the Chase and Grow Your Business
9th July 2017
As we enter the 2nd half of the year, it’s time to cut to the chase! If you have been getting distracted or getting confused or trying several fads, it is time to get focused and use your energy correctly to achieve your business goals before the year ends. I decided to go straight to … Continue reading Cut to the Chase and Grow Your Business

Is your business coasting or soaring? 4 ways to know
12th June 2017
When we hit the 6th month of the year, it suddenly dawns that we are at the half year mark. It could lead to either of these feelings: Despair: you wonder what you have achieved in the last 6 months and why time has flown by so fast! Satisfaction: a sense of fulfillment knowing that … Continue reading Is your business coasting or soaring? 4 ways to know

5 Reasons Why Your Business Might Not Be Growing
22nd May 2017
‘All I need right now is for my business to grow.’

How to Go From Being the Business to Having a Business
10th April 2017
“I am the business.” I have heard this quote from several people especially entertainers. It sounds really cool and fancy until you dig deep and understand the implications of that quote. According to the BusinessDictionary.com, ‘A business is an organization or economic system where goods and services are exchanged for one another or for money.’ … Continue reading How to Go From Being the Business to Having a Business

The Multi-talented Dilemma
24th January 2017
I remember my popular friend in secondary school, Ajibola. She was multi-talented personified. She could twerk even before the twerk was invented. She could sing like an opera singer and she was good at sports! It just didn’t seem fair that one person had so many talents while some of us seem to be good … Continue reading The Multi-talented Dilemma

The Journey to Finding My Niche
9th January 2017
Every time it is my birthday, I spend time reminiscing, and on this particular birthday, I look back in gratitude on the journey to getting where I am today. For some people, they always knew what they wanted to do and become. For me, it was not straight forward. It took many years of stumbling, … Continue reading The Journey to Finding My Niche

Do Big Dreams Lead to Big Success in Business and Life?
20th December 2016
From motivational speakers to rappers, we have all been inundated with the call to dream big! The other day, I also came across an insightful business magazine with a similar title encouraging aspiring and emerging business owners to dream big. Just as I thought that the ‘dream big’ message has probably being restricted to the … Continue reading Do Big Dreams Lead to Big Success in Business and Life?

5 Steps to Be Bae in Business
25th November 2016
Every time I attend a high-value conference like the recently held WIMBIZ conference, I am inspired by the thought process of some of the speakers and panelists. As I listened to their ideas and interpretation of concepts, I looked to find out what they had in common. As inspiring as their success stories were, I … Continue reading 5 Steps to Be Bae in Business

Passion Is Not Enough To Succeed In Business
31st October 2016
I have a confession to make…I have failed in or had to end a couple of ventures I was passionate about. Let me share some of them: My young ladies club– when I was in the university, I started a young ladies club known as virtue blazers. I was passionate about empowering young women to … Continue reading Passion Is Not Enough To Succeed In Business

Leverage the 80/20 Principle to Grow Your Sales
7th October 2016
Leverage the 80/20 Principle to Grow Your Sales During the lunch break at our recently held business growth master class, my administrator commented that we always seemed to get a certain ‘type of participant’ coming to our master classes. She had made the same statement during the last class a few months ago, but I … Continue reading Leverage the 80/20 Principle to Grow Your Sales

5 Things Business Owners Need To Do In This Economy
27th September 2016
One of the questions I have asked guests recently on my radio show, The Entrepreneur’s Journey, is “How are you responding to the current economy situation?” The answers I have received for this question have given me insight into how successful entrepreneurs who have been in business for a while think. One common thread in … Continue reading 5 Things Business Owners Need To Do In This Economy

5 Ways to Develop the Mindset for Business Success
12th September 2016
I live and breathe entrepreneurship because I am passionate about businesses succeeding and business owners truly enjoying what they are creating and getting rewarded for it. I became committed to helping businesses grow and succeed when I dealt with the struggles of running a small business for many years and had to let go it … Continue reading 5 Ways to Develop the Mindset for Business Success

Why Is Growing A Business So Hard?
16th August 2016
I cannot count the number of times I have heard this statement! Business owners lament to me regularly about how hard it is to find the right people and to find funding for their business. Then they turn to the harsh Nigerian economic climate with our current infrastructural challenges. Sometimes what is supposed to … Continue reading Why Is Growing A Business So Hard?

5 Business Lessons I Learned From the First Half of the Year
29th July 2016
Is it me or is this year speeding along? It looks like we sleep and wake up and despite the challenges in the economy, time is not standing still! Last week, I spent some time reviewing and reflecting on the first half of the year. I have learned from John Maxwell that it is not … Continue reading 5 Business Lessons I Learned From the First Half of the Year