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Every one of us has 24 hours; nobody has more than that. Are you engaging in income-producing activities? Are you putting your time into the things that yield results? Do you even know where your time goes? Every moment of every day is precious, and you must know where they’re going. As my grandmentor always says, “Never waste a minute.” Great teachers, including the greatest Teacher of all time, encourage us to live one day at a time. The beauty of living this way is that when you get your priorities straight every day, it automatically means you get them straight every week and every month. The result? A whole year well spent, living your best life! For any of this to happen, you must learn how to control your day instead of leaving your day to control you. To live the 24-hour lifestyle, you must master your day, every day.  It is impossible to round off a workday with a sense of accomplishment if you let your day control you. Take the reins, seize the day! Live life deliberately, on purpose. One method that has proved effective for me and many others is using a monthly planner, as it already has prepared spaces for each day. If you don’t have one, you can convert your calendar into a series of blocks for you to place activities in. Once you have this tool, you can block times for specific activities, such as checking emails, posting on social media, being with family, working out, and actually making a living. This empowers you to say “no” to interruptions. Any activity that isn’t planned and placed into a block, doesn’t get done. It’s as simple as that. If you’re able to stick to your calendar fiercely — as successful people do if you’ve taken time to notice — you will find that it takes you less time to complete your most important task for the day, you actually do it more efficiently, and you have more fun doing it! And guess what? Everyone will be all right. They will adjust, including friends who previously had no respect for your work time (especially if you work for yourself, which they’ve interpreted as you having all the time in the world to chat on Whatsapp, “gist” on the phone, or even give them a couch in your office so they can pick your brain) and slacker colleagues who thought they could pass their work on to you and go to sleep. Your day isn’t all about work, as you know. How wonderful would it be if you could be fully present with your family during your designated family time, instead of other unplanned activities constantly relegating them to the background? The point isn’t to be rigid. It’s just better to have a schedule that changes as the months go by than to have none at all. That way, emergencies can be what they are; emergencies. Once you get the hang of living day to day, you will find yourself smashing your goals and designing the life you love. Learn to take “today” seriously; every day that passes is a slice of your life that won’t come back.

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This article was first published on 30th May 2018


Joy Ehonwa is an editor and a writer who is passionate about relationships and personal development. She runs Pinpoint Creatives, a proofreading, editing, transcription and ghostwriting service. Email: pinpointcreatives [at]

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