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  LEAP Africa has announced that applications are now open for its Social Innovators Program and Awards.
Read more about Opportunities
The LEAP Africa Social Innovators Program and Awards is a platform for equipping and empowering young people with the skills and tools they will need to build sustainable enterprises. The accelerator-style fellowship began in 2013 and has graduated more than a hundred people, enabling them to transform their ideas into scalable businesses. The program is organized in partnership with Union Bank of Nigeria. This year, the Social Innovators Program will feature 40 carefully selected participants, who will be picked from a pool of applicants. The social venture run by the fellows selected will cover Agriculture, Youth Empowerment, Education, Science and Technology, Health, Law, Human Rights, and more. They will be received into a year-long fellowship involving learning sessions and activities. Fellows will receive mentorship and gain access to local and international funding and partnership opportunities. And at the end of the program, they will attend an award ceremony in which outstanding fellows will receive a financial sustainability prize award. They will also have their work promoted on various media platforms.
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  • Coaching and mentoring from seasoned professionals.
  • Business support services to meet organizational needs.
  • Sessions hosted by world experts to train participants in organizational sustainability and investor readiness.
  • Funding opportunities from LEAP partners.
  • Join a community of social innovators across Africa.


Applicants must meet the following criteria:
  • They must be aged between 18 and 35 years.
  • Ideas and initiatives must offer solutions to challenges in communities in their regions.
  • Founders or co-founders of a socially-focused foundation or enterprise.
  • They must have run their enterprise or foundation for at least twelve months.
  • They must not be enrolled in more than a single fellowship program as of the time of application.


Persons who want to apply for this program may fill an applicant’s form and submit it on the LEAP Africa website. Applications are open until Friday, August 6, 2021. The 2020/2021 fellowship cycle will commence in November 2021 and end in November 2022. To apply for the LEAP Africa Social Innovators Program, click here. Featured Image Source: Promos In Nigeria
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This article was first published on 15th July 2021


Ikenna Nwachukwu holds a bachelor's degree in Economics from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. He loves to look at the world through multiple lenses- economic, political, religious and philosophical- and to write about what he observes in a witty, yet reflective style.

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