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  The Leventis Foundation, the philanthropic arm of the A G. Leventis company, is receiving applications for its 2022 Master’s degree and MBA scholarships. This program is open to candidates who have a background of strong academic performance and relevant work experience.
Read more about Opportunities
The scholarship is part of the Leventis Foundation’s overall drive to improve the professional and lived experience of people in the regions within which its parent company is active. Over the years, it has trained and supported farmers to bolster their agricultural practice and establish sustainable ways of farming. It has also worked to preserve the natural environment and promoted social welfare in West Africa. The scholarship program is the result of a collaboration between the Leventis Foundation, the Alba Graduate Business School, and the American College of Greece. It will take care of some or all basic fees for the Alba MBA program and M.Sc in Finance program.


The following benefits will accrue to applicants who are selected for the program: 
  • Two full scholarships covering tuition fees and accommodation. In addition, beneficiaries will receive €200 per month for 12 months. These will be provided to persons selected for the Alba MBA program in Athens, Greece.
  • One partial scholarship, covering 60% of tuition fees. This will be available to persons selected for the M.Sc in Finance program.
  • The opportunity to gain knowledge and skills required to progress up their career ladder.

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Applicants to the program are expected to meet these conditions:
  • Be a Nigerian citizen.
  • Have a Bachelor’s Degree (first class or second class upper, with a CGPA of 3.8 or higher).
  • Be fluent in English.
  • Have at least three years of work experience.

The Application Process

Anyone interested in applying for this scholarship should do so online, at the online applications page linked here. They are also expected to send a package containing their application and supporting documents to the Leventis Foundation’s address (2 Leventis Close, Central Business District, FCT, P.O. Box 20351, Abuja). Applications will remain open until April 4, 2022. Learn more about the Leventis Foundation Masters and MBA Scholarships here. Featured Image Source: Business Finance Daily
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This article was first published on 18th February 2022


Ikenna Nwachukwu holds a bachelor's degree in Economics from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. He loves to look at the world through multiple lenses- economic, political, religious and philosophical- and to write about what he observes in a witty, yet reflective style.

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