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  As another year passes, you might be tempted to skip or delay scheduling your annual checkups and routine health screenings. After all, you feel perfectly fine and don’t have any pressing medical issues. What’s the point of going, right? Wrong! Skipping out on your yearly checkups with your doctor is one of the biggest health mistakes you can make. Annual visits are critical for detecting small issues early before they snowball into bigger, more serious problems. Regular checkups give you the best chance of staying healthy long-term. Still not convinced you need to make that appointment? Here are some top reasons everyone should get an annual comprehensive exam.
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  • Screen For and Catch Issues Early

Think of your annual checkup as a preventative health review. It allows your doctor to run various screening tests to check for developing medical conditions or diseases in the early stages – even before you notice symptoms. Things like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, cancer, and many other health issues are much easier to treat when caught at the earliest possible stage through routine screenings. By the time you start experiencing symptoms, it may already be fairly advanced and less treatable.
  • Manage and Modify Risk Factors

Along with screening for issues, your doctor will review your medical history, family history, current lifestyle and habits to identify any major risk factors that require modification. For example, if you are overweight or have a poor diet, steps can be taken to reduce your risk of developing heart disease or diabetes. If cancer runs in your family, preventative testing and lifestyle changes can be recommended. Early risk factor management is crucial.
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  • Update Medications as Needed

Over a year, you may have experienced some changes that require medication updates from your doctor. Your annual checkup is the perfect time to review all current medications – dosages, instructions, renewals, replacements, eliminations, etc. Reviewing your prescribed drugs, over-the-counter medications, vitamins and supplements allows your doctor to make any necessary adjustments or changes based on new factors like age, weight, other conditions, etc. Good medication management prevents dangerous interactions or side effects.
  • Stay Current on Vaccines

Depending on your age, existing health conditions, occupational risks, and other factors, your doctor will make sure you are up-to-date on receiving any necessary or recommended vaccines during your yearly visit. Important vaccine boosters like the annual flu shot, tetanus shots, and others protect you from serious infectious diseases. Your doctor ensures you aren’t skipping any critical immunizations year after year.
  • Get Personalized Advice

Beyond getting medical tests and screenings, your yearly checkup is the perfect opportunity to pick your doctor’s brain about all aspects of your health and wellness.  Voice any concerns or symptoms you’ve noticed, no matter how minor they may seem. Ask for guidance about diet, fitness, sleep habits, stress management and other lifestyle adjustments that could help you feel your absolute best. You get customized advice tailored specifically to your unique needs.
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Final Thoughts

Many people assume they only need to see the doctor when they are already experiencing health troubles or symptoms of illness. This reactive approach is unwise and even dangerous. Instead, prioritize preventative care with an annual trip to your physician every single year, with no exceptions! These regular checkups put you in control of your well-being by helping prevent issues, catch problems early, modify risk factors, review medications, and personalize your care for optimal health. Your future self will thank you.
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This article was first published on 30th May 2024


Chidiogo Shalom Akaelu holds a degree in English and Literary Studies, from the University of Nigeria. She is a freelance writer, editor and founder of Loana Press, a budding online publishing outlet.

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