People of all climes and conditions face adversity from time to time. It takes one with some sense of thickness to go through it. However, there might seem all kinds of
intelligence, but are you aware that there’s something called adversity intelligence (AI)?
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AI is your ability to carry yourself through adversity without breaking down to a point that your interpersonal
relationship and mental is not affected negatively. The difference between successful people and those who’re not is how they handle adversity.
People have found ways to navigate this dark period. Their mental fortitude is something worth emulating. In this article, I am going to highlight eight ways successful people push through adversity.
Believe It’s A Phase
Adversity is not a life sentence; it’s a phase, it’s a tunnel that you’re driving through. When you have this at the back of your mind, you look for solutions and even have hope for overcoming it. It keeps your spirit and soul positive and hopeful state because you know you’ll go through it no matter how unpleasant it might seem.
Be Prepared For It
Inasmuch as we do not expect adversity, preparing mentally, financially, and otherwise can help you go through it quicker than when you’re taken unawares. Have emergency funds for your family and business, have an insurance scheme covering your health and business, put in place protective measures such as installing fire extinguishers in your workplaces and homes, and other things that can avert or reduce damages.
Adversity Is A Lesson To Be Learnt
Adversity wants to teach us something, that’s why we face them. Most often, it’s in adversity that you come to terms with your strengths as a person. It’s in adversity that your best self is established and your ability to be a survivor comes into light. Sometimes, adversity shows how much of a genius you’re when you begin to do things all by yourself.
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See It As A Way To Grow
Great men grow through adversity. For example, you were betrayed by a business associate due to your naïve nature, which led to great adversity in your life. The unpleasant situation is an opportunity for you to learn how to study people. It’s an opportunity to look back and spot out those red flags you ignored during the cause of relating with that person(s). If you were defrauded of all your life savings, you can get to grow to be more intelligent with your finances and know-how to invest wiser next time.
Get Inspired By Others
You’re not the first to face adversity; countless others have faced it and go through it successfully. There are many people who have gone through adversity and they’re able to overcome it in certain ways. Get their videos on YouTube, read their books, listen to their podcasts etc. These things do really help. You can get a counselling session from others who have successfully overcome one trial or the other.
Go Spiritual
For a spiritual person, going spiritual can help real good. Most often adversity tests our faith and makes us rely on the Almighty God or something supernatural and higher than us. Most people have found answers to life problems by praying and fasting or going spiritual generally. Further, holy books often serve as points for solace, where people read inspiring stories, hold to the promises of the Creator in times of trouble. One book, one verse can really lift up the veil and give you the needed faith.
Find Your Sense Of Humour
During adversity, finding a time to laugh is medically proven to be a coping mechanism. When we laugh, there’s a release of endorphins and dopamine, which leaves us with a good sensation and terminate anything that leads us to wallow in self-pity which is useless to our lives. Find time to watch a comedy sitcom, listening to standup comedy, join clubs that keep you lightened up, etc. You can even laugh at yourself and your pain. It might seem impossible to laugh in the midst of adversity, but laughter can give you mental stability to face your adversity.
Find Ways Out Of The Dark
Don’t remain in the darkness of adversity – find a way out. If others can find a way out, you too can. Seek advice from trusted advisors and experts. For instance, having learnt why your business crashed, you can go to friends and seek loans to start again. Don’t just wallow, move. Ask for help. Remove things and people that led to the adversity you’re currently facing. Even if it means cutting off friends that were the immediate and remote cause of your pain, please cut them off.
Featured Image Source: Entrepreneur
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