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   ConnectNigeria-Dating   Relationships have destroyed many young women’s state of mind, life, dreams etc because they have not been careful in choosing the best person to go into a relationship with. Most women fall for the physical package, not caring much about the man’s personality, character; everything that makes up the man he is, minus the physical status. Careless or not, some women have been trapped in terrible relationships that dented their sense of being for life. As a lady, I value women because I am essential to the growth of the world at large. That is why I have put together a list of the type of men no woman should ever end up with. These men are detrimental to your emotional well being. When you meet these kind of men, flee. #THE ‘MAMA SAYS’ TYPE OF GUY This type of guy is still a child. He has grown old but he has not grown up because he keeps running to his mama, every minute. His mom makes his decisions for him. No matter how hard you try, your opinion doesn’t count as long as mommy is in the picture. The mother making all the decision makes you feel like an outsider intruding on their perfect private life. Try as hard as you may, his mom comes first and that may just get you feeling inadequate and not good enough. #THE ‘LET’S TALK ABOUT IT LATER’ TYPE OF GUY This one never likes to talk about anything serious or anything concerning the relationship. He always finds a reason to evade answering your questions; he is always too tired, to busy or not in the mood. Mr. Evasive never says anything about his feelings because there is no good enough time to do that but when it comes to asking for favours and bedroom activities, every time is always perfect. This guy clearly likes you for obvious reasons and not because he wants to really be with you. #THE ‘I TRUST YOU, BUT…’ TYPE OF GUY For no tangible reason, this type of guy never trusts you to be faithful to him. Absurdly, he thinks you are going to cheat on him. He always wants to know where you are, who you are with and what you are doing. He doesn’t just want to know these things, he wants evidence to prove you right. He has trust issues and talking about it may not help matters. He keeps doubting you no matter how much you convince him that he is the only man in your life. This man will chase family and friends from you, if he has to, just to be sure you truly are for him. #THE ‘MY WAY OR NO OTHER WAY’ TYPE OF GUY With this guy, you hardly can make any decision in your relationship. He makes sure everything is centered around him. This guys wants you to live your life in accordance with his principles. You simply have no life anymore because your opinions no longer matter. Mr. Bossy will get so mad when you refuse to do things his way. He is super dangerous because he can damage your self esteem forever. #THE ‘I BEAT YOU COS I LOVE YOU’ TYPE OF GUY If a guy hits you and tells you he is doing it because of the love he has for you, dust your slippers and runnnn. This guy feels beating is the best way to correct a lady when she is wrong. He is hot tempered and quick to jumping to the wrong conclusions. The most terrible thing about Mr. Abuser is that he will shower you with gifts after he has beaten you. This guy makes you feel incompetent and never good enough. Your body, mind and soul are in grave danger with this dude. #THE ‘YEAH, I’M ALL THAT’ TYPE OF GUY He is handsome and a head turner. He is charming, very sweet, a tiger in bed and a ladies’ man. He has all the fine things of life; the flashy car, expensive wardrobe, latest gadgets, to die for shoes and all the ladies want him. This guy flirts openly with other ladies in your presence. He doesn’t care that much about your feelings because he thinks he is a golden trophy to you. To him, it is either you stick with him like that or lose him to another girl in a twinkle of an eye. In a relationship with this guy, you feel as if you have to compete with other ladies to win his love. There is no assurance of a long lasting love affair. #THE ‘BABE, I NEED…’ TYPE OF GUY. He never has anything to offer but always wants to receive from you. He sees every relationship as a means to make ends meet. This guy has a certain charm that makes it so easy to get money off ladies. He is a chronic liar and a professional one too. When you go broke, he starts looking for other prospective ATMs. #THE ‘I’M COMFORTABLE WITH WHO I AM’ TYPE OF GUY Every guy should be proud of who they are and always be comfortable with themselves but not too comfortable that they are reluctant to move ahead in life. This guy sees no reason to look for a better job or do his own thing no matter his potentials. He is comfortable with his little salary and one room apartment. He may also be the lazy type who is waiting for his rich daddy to kick the bucket so that he can inherit property. This guy is a dream killer. He will tell you that your dreams are unrealistic and you can’t make it. About the author: Temitope Dako is a nerd in love with the world of words. She Blogs at You can also follow her on; Twitter: @emini_ANOTI. IG: the_ardent_inkheart    

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This article was first published on 26th October 2014

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