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Do you need skills that’ll increase your chances of landing your dream job? We have discovered that if you have all or some of these eight skills you cannot be unemployed for long. There was a time being a professional in a distinct field guaranteed jobs. Those professional careers still have guaranteed jobs but the openings are not as many as they used to be. Now, there are skills employers are in search of. If you have them, the job is yours. With these skills, you can also decide to start up something on your own that will bring income to you. 1. Critical thinking: Critical thinking is one of the oldest key skills in the book that employers will always be on the lookout for. The ability to think clearly and rationally, understanding the logical connection between ideas, is still very much needed by companies. 2. Data analysis: With newer tools and technologies, companies now have more than enough access to data. The quantity of data is startling and disorganized therefore there is the need for those who can manage, analyse and break them down in different ways companies and consumers can understand. 3. Content Creation: Content is king! If you know how to create good content and you have the means to create it in artistic ways with a good idea of elements of the digital marketing mix, including email marketing, social media and SEO strategy, you are in hot demand. Why haven’t you landed a job yet? 4. Project management: Project managers know how to effectively deliver successful projects within the time, scope and budget allocated to them. Project managers focus on the goals of the project with the success of each project connected to achieving its goals within its project timeline. Employers in fields such as business services, construction, finance, insurance, manufacturing, oil and gas and utilities will execute new projects and remodel old projects and they need project managers to execute these projects successfully. 5. SEO/SEM marketing: Beyond keyword research, SEO/SEM marketing is making websites better in a structured way that will enhance their chances of being found on search engines, with the eventual goal of generating traffic and conversion. With the need for online presence, every company wants to be ahead of the pack so they need your services to stay ahead. 6. Sales: A good sales person possesses the ability to sell anything. Every company is on the lookout for someone that can bounce back quickly from rejections, one who is digitally/socially savvy, has great listening skills, is able to turn objections to agreements, build trust and close deals. 7. UX Designers/Developers: Designers and developers that can create and plan the look and feel of a website (or mobile application) to meet the demands, needs and desires of a brand’s target audience are in high demand. Gradually, companies are recognizing the importance of the role of UX designers and developers in creating an online platform that is easy to navigate, use and explore for their customers. Expert proficiency with  HTML5, CSS and JavaScript is often a prerequisite for UX Designers/Developers that are in high demand. 8. Social Media/Digital Marketing: Individuals and companies are working hard to build their online presence and this is where social media comes in. Social media can be one of the best ways to take the content you’re producing and amplify its reach. In ways that was impossible just some few years ago, social media, through Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn have been able to reach target audiences. Companies and individuals will always be on the lookout for those who can help them build their brand online.   Which of these skills do you possess?  

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This article was first published on 2nd October 2015

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