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Most of us are already tired of hearing how communication is the lifeblood of any relationship. We get it already! How does the communication thing work? Should we just keep on chattering away? What exactly do we say? That’s what we want to know.

Whether you’re looking to revive a romantic relationship, sustain a long distance friendship, or keep family members feeling loved, here are 7 tips you’ll find useful:

1. Listen. When we think of communication, we often think of talking. However, sometimes a loved one just wants to be listened to, so inviting them to talk while you pay attention is a great way to boost your relationship through communication.

2. Show interest in feelings. It’s good to know what happened, but bonding through communication happens when you also find out how they feel about what happened. Were they scared? Excited? Impressed? Annoyed? Saddened? This is how you really get to know someone; by knowing how they feel about stuff.

3. Follow up. If a loved one told you they were preparing for an examination, an interview or presentation, it’s a good idea to ask how it went afterwards. If they mentioned they bought a book they’ve been wanting to read, communication can and should involve how the reading is going; is it as interesting as they expected, or was it overhyped? If you’ve read it, you can even review it together.

4. Seek opinions. Just as you show interest in their feelings, you can also communicate by seeking their opinion. What do they think about what happened, what’s happening, and what’s expected to happen in the country, in the world, or in an industry they’re connected to? This can be fun and educative if you ask about a subject they’re well versed in or enthusiastic about.

5. Express yourself. It’s not cool to make someone feel like they’re always the ones talking. Let your loved one know what’s going on in your life too. Share your thoughts and feelings as they share theirs.

6. Engage on spiritual matters. If you’re spiritually inclined, sharing what you’re learning, what you’re unlearning, or a simple message or song that encouraged and uplifted you, is a great way to communicate. If you are of different faiths, you can also learn from each other. You’d be surprised at what you didn’t know, and wrong assumptions that you had.

7. Share information. If you come across information that you think would interest them, it’s a good idea to share immediately. Seminars, job vacancies, events, announcements, articles, tweets…there’s so much you can share. This shows that you know what they’re into, that you care, and that they’re on your mind. Of course, jokes are a great idea, as there’s nothing quite like having a good laugh together.

8. Communicate consistently. It could be daily, every other day, or every week, depending on the kind of relationship. Just make sure you do at least one of these things regularly. Some days will allow for maximum engagement and intense, quality communication, while others will only let you drop a prayer or share a joke, but consistency is what matters when it comes to feeling close and connected.

Keep your relationships alive and strong!

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This article was first published on 3rd March 2017


Joy Ehonwa is an editor and a writer who is passionate about relationships and personal development. She runs Pinpoint Creatives, a proofreading, editing, transcription and ghostwriting service. Email: pinpointcreatives [at]

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