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Do whatever it takes to stay alive!

That was the final advice I got before my meeting with a senior startup CEO ended. This was not the first time I was going through this situation where the future seemed uncertain.

As I ended the conversation with our Advisor, I reflected back to 2008-2009 when there was a global recession. I was working in management consulting at the time and I was heading the business development unit of one of the business arms. 

Business was great until we hit the end of 2008 and we began to feel the brunt of the recession. Consulting became an option not a necessity for clients and my team and I were at the forefront of trying to convince people to adopt a service that had become nice to have for them.

It was a tough period that made me almost swear off doing a service business

The funny thing is that even though the economic climate was tough, we survived! But not without some scars…Though I feel better prepared for it this time, I have never seen such uncertainty and fear in people.

I am also leading a team through this uncertain time, so I am able to share some of our “battle strategies” with you. As I share, I want to encourage you to keep a positive attitude and believe that “this too shall pass”!

1. Extend your cash flow

We always knew that cash was king but in times like these, cash is much more important than ever, if you want to increase your chances of staying alive so you can build back up again. 

To extend your cash flow, you will need to re-prioritize your spending, cut off all unnecessary spending and be hyper focused on spending only what will bring you revenue or help to keep your business alive.

2. Everyone is a sales person

I had a sober meeting with my team a few weeks ago and everyone was tasked to come up with ideas to generate revenues. Everyone has become a sales person no matter their job title or role.

It has taken some small adjustment, but I have seen my team rally round to ensure that we all work together to get through this period. You can also rally your own team if you have and let them know that the focus should be on ensuring that the business gets through this season alive!

3. Customization is not a sin

This is the time to give your customers options. We were designing the pricing for our upcoming online training on getting financing for your business in uncertain times, and my Co-founder mentioned that we needed to give participants pricing options. 

I immediately agreed because people are more selective and careful about their spending, so you need to be able to offer some sort of customization to your customers to help them buy your products or services.  Some examples are:

  • Offering to deliver products to their home; 
  • Offering home service;
  • Making a special type of your product or service to satisfy your valuable customers.

Remember the goal at this time is to ‘Keep the Business Alive’.

4. Transparency is Great

A lot of businesses have mastered the art of packaging and branding and this is okay in normal times. However in times like these, ‘Transparency is Sexy’

Telling your customers and audience the truth of what is going on and carrying them along will make them trust you more after this period is over. We had to live up to transparency which is one of our core values at Owoafara recently, when our financial partners put a hold on lending to businesses. We experienced a surge of registrations on our platform and we had to share the information on all our social media platforms.

Also, instead of just keeping everyone waiting till our financial partners resume, we decided to organize an Online Training to prepare our clients and community to get access to financing from us and other sources in these uncertain times. 

5. Take any help you can get

Now is not the time to act cool when you are going through challenging times. A lot of governments are offering relief or intervention funds for small businesses. This is the time to see if your business qualifies to take advantage of it. 

There is no shame in trying to stay alive in these times, because even large companies freely receive bail outs from governments, so if you can as a small business, by all means, take it!

If you can convince people offering essential services to sell your products or services during this season, do it! There is no shame in the “Staying Alive Game”.

As someone who has worked passionately with small businesses for over a decade, I am passionate about helping you survive and thrive no matter the season. 

One of the ways our Organization can help is by ensuring that we share insider information with you especially if you are looking to get financing for your business.  We are doing this through our upcoming training.  You can see details HERE. The training is as affordable as we can make it, so we can also stay alive while adding value To You!!

Featured Image Source: Catalyst For Business

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This article was first published on 10th April 2020

Comments (2)

2 thoughts on “5 Ways To Keep Your Business Alive In Uncertain Times”

  • This piece is very useful at this crucial time. One of the best ways to keep up with customers is to sell online. The online platform has proven to be the future of business. I have found a viable place to do this, you can use this link to sell your products and services online for free

  • Nurturing young businesses is a task that requires special tips. I discovered 12 ways to raise funds for young businesses and how to save money at the early stage of the business at

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