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Sex is a serious business, and you need to prepare for it each time. However, your choice of food may determine your performance level. Aphrodisiacs are things that stimulate sexual desire or arouse excitement within the body. Different kinds of foods or drinks can jump-start this libido, and really spice things up in the bedroom. So, whether it’s fuelling sexual desire, suppressing performance anxiety, maintaining energy, or reducing any bloating that may kill the mood,  these are some foods you should eat before sex.

Dark Chocolate

Chocolate has long been thought to be an aphrodisiac. In the 1600s, it was considered such a powerful one that religious leaders banned monks and nuns from consuming any! It contains the chemical PEA – phenylethylamine, which creates a rush or feeling of euphoria. It causes the release of dopamine, which is the same chemical that is released during all sorts of “highs” including orgasms, gambling, and drug use. Dark chocolate contains the most. Other foods that also increase PEA are apples, tomatoes, almonds, and cheddar cheese. The mere scent of almonds is supposed to increase women’s sex drive – with the added bonus of potentially improving heart health. Avocados, Asparagus and Bananas A weird trio, don’t you think? Some foods might be considered sexy because they make us think erotic thoughts. Asparagus and avocados resemble certain male attributes, so they might be an indirect way to make your lover think of sex. Avocados are rich in stress-relieving B vitamins, but they’re also a source of mono-unsaturated fat, which has been shown to aid blood flow to the entire body. Avocados contain nutrients, such as potassium, which help in boosting libido. They’re so high in folic acid, they can quickly break down protein and give you that immediate, long-lasting, and healthy energy boost you need for sexual stamina. Asparagus is one of the best sources of folate in our diets. This B vitamin helps maintain levels of oxygen in our blood and produces healthy cells. It’s known to aid in focus, energy, and alertness. To make sure your brain is mentally in the game, cultivate a keen sense of focus by loading up on folate. Banana flowers have a rather phallic shape, which might be why some people consider them aphrodisiacs. Bananas, themselves, are thought to be important for sex hormone production because they contain high levels of potassium and B vitamins. Watermelon Increasing research has suggested that watermelon can act like a natural Viagra in the body. This, according to researchers, is because of a nutrient called citrulline, which boosts nitric oxide and relaxes the blood vessels, mirroring the effects of drugs used to treat erectile dysfunction. And of course, women directly benefit too — any time increased circulation comes into the picture, we’re talking more energy and more pleasure-inducing endorphins. Spices Ginger and ginseng increase circulation – ginseng, in particular, is thought to increase libido by exciting the central nervous system. Cinnamon and nutmeg are also rumoured to stimulate sexual feelings. Some additives are supposed to improve the taste of semen – cardamom, peppermint, lemon and pineapple, for example, while garlic and onions are thought to cause it to taste unpleasant. Pumpkin Seeds Pumpkin seeds are nutritional superstars. You can thank their sources of zinc and magnesium: two essential minerals are shown to boost testosterone levels, especially when combined. The magnesium, specifically, decreases inflammation in blood vessels, which then increases blood flow and, subsequently, arousal. The seeds are also a rich source of polyunsaturated fatty acids that have been shown to boost prostaglandin-hormone-like substances that play a key role in libido. You’ll find you’ll be able to keep your sexual stamina up, if you’re not trying to fake it.  

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This article was first published on 14th February 2018


Amara Adanna Ogbonna is a Christian, foodie, and lover of arts. She spends most of her time on Facebook.

Comments (1)

One thought on “5 Foods To Eat Before Sex”

  • Never knew they were meals to eat before sex, this article is an eye-opener. Bye bye to Viagra and its lot.

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