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health-conscious   By Ebun Oluwole  Many of us have this nonchalant attitude towards our health and lifestyle and it’s not entirely our fault. Many factors contribute to this attitude such as the proximity of fresh food, the terrible state of our public hospitals, exorbitance of the private ones, and the pollution that comes from waste not properly disposed or recycled. The list goes on and on but if we allow all these factors to deter us from achieving the lifestyle that we need and desire, we’re just going to wallow in self-pity, and die a slow and painful death. In order to prevent this from happening, I’m going to share tips on how to take charge of your health and lifestyle today irrespective of the state of our environment. You may be asking questions such as; What are we going to do about it? How are we going to implement this? How do we become conscious of our health and lifestyle especially seeing as our various commitments are competing for our time? The pressures are increasing like never before and if we allow them, they will consume us therefore there are some practical steps we must take to become health conscious. As always, I advocate a step-by-step procedure which therefore requires you not expecting overnight results. Scrutinize your present diet. Try and shake things up and opt for a variety of healthy foods. You know what they say, variety is the spice of life. Try and incorporate a work-out routine. Busy schedules tend to make this more of a challenge. Pick a day to go jogging. If you’re too lazy, register yourself in the nearest gym. I’m convinced the thought of losing money will push you to commit. Attend screenings organised by your hospitals. If you don’t have a hospital that you’re registered at, NGOs organise screenings periodically so look out for them. Ensure you check your Body Mass Index(BMI) regularly to maintain healthy weight and avoid obesity as well as being underweight! Additionally, the frequency of your blood pressure, sugar and cholesterol level being checked cannot be overemphasised. It should be done fortnightly. If you must drink alcohol at all, drink in moderation if not stay clear of it totally. Go for regular eye and dental examinations e.t.c. These are the little things you can incorporate into your lifestyle to ensure it’s healthy. It may of course be overwhelming initially but with time, it will become a way of life. We need to take our health seriously after all, health is wealth.     1-SAM_5201-300x300-e1399889258332   About the author: Ebun Oluwole is a creative writer and lifestyle blogger who bares her thoughts at          

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This article was first published on 17th May 2014

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