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I know right? If we all had a nickel, for every time something was stolen from us in public. Public theft has increasingly become rampant. It’s starting to feel like a legit job people get trained for. People that perpetrate such heinous acts, ride on other people’s negligence and or ignorance to cart away with valuables like mobile phones. At times, it is not the phone that was stolen that hurts, it’s the fact that someone else rode on your intelligence, plus all the valuable information you might be losing and of course, the cost of the phone if it was maybe an iPhone X. It’s time we all got smarter. You probably have to think like a thief if you’re going to outwit one. So, here a few helpful tips to protect your phone when you’re out in public.
  • Study your environment. If you’re going out to a place you’re unfamiliar with, ask questions about safety before heading out. Depending on the response you get, you may even need to drop your phone at home, to avoid being robbed. For familiar places, do not lose your guard, be on red alert.
  • Don’t take your phone out in areas known for theft. Using your phone in a place popular for theft crime is an open invitation to thieves. This goes, especially if your phone is flashy or expensive. Put it away, well tucked into your bag or in your pocket, and dip your hand frequently to make sure it’s still there.
  • If you’re on a bus, I’d suggest you take out your phone from your pocket and hold it in your hand, or put it securely in a bag if you have one. No one is going to steal your phone if you hold it with unfriendly gusto.
  • Another good tip is to use the phone to keep yourself busy, while you’re on a bus or at a public occasion. Phone thieves usually target negligent users, who might mistakenly leave their phone unattended to, hence opening a window of opportunity for the thief to swoop in for a kill.
  • Listening to music while on a public commute has been my way out of public theft. My phone is always connected to my earphones and playing music. If my music stops suddenly, then something is wrong somewhere. This helps keep you very alert.
  • If you’re at a public function where you are to speak or moderate, get someone you know to hold your phone for you if you can’t go up the stage with it. Ensure the person understands not to be careless with it.
  • Do not leave your phone on a table at a restaurant while you go to order food, or forget it at a bank counter. That’s more like putting the phone up for a free sale. Hold your phone tightly or put it in a secure bag.
  • When in a queue, take out your phone from your pocket and hold it. All that pushing and shoving, and the next thing is that your phone is in a glass showcase at computer village.
  • Do not leave your phone in your back pocket, when you are in public.
  • Do not sleep off with your phone exposed. Tuck it away in your bag or don’t sleep at all.
Finally, develop a Sixth Spidey Sense. Be overly alert. Feel your pockets frequently for your phone. If you’re on a bus, watch the body language of other commuters and maybe get down, if you don’t trust them. Go with your gut feeling. Respond to the slightest touch from strangers and watch their hand movements. Featured Image Credit:

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This article was first published on 19th January 2018


Tobenna is a writer, programmer and musician who is passionate about God, tech, and music. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook by clicking the icons below.

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