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  Over the years, email marketing has stood out as the core of the digital marketing process. Inasmuch as social media plays a great role in online marketing, email marketing remains a sustainable channel of marketing.
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Having been adopted by several big companies and small businesses, email marketing optimizes the digital marketing process. Growing your email list is the only way to fully maximize the functionalities of email marketing. Discussed here are 10 ways you can grow your email list to reach more people and make more sales.
  1. Keep It Simple

A common mistake which some business people make is to create subscription forms that are complex and bulky. It could even look scary to some of their prospects. Life is already hard in certain ways, don’t make it tougher for people. You can create a subscription form with only name and email address requests. You could even make a provision for only the email address entry. The simpler the better for everyone.
  1. Place The Form On Your Website

It is effective for your email marketing process when you place your opt-in/subscription forms across your website. Ensure that the form is made visible on as many pages as possible. This will allow your page visitors to locate it easily and most likely subscribe.
  1. Create A Blog

Blogging is a great way to generate traffic to your website and in turn, your business. Create a category for your blog posts. Make them engaging and insightful with topics that cover issues around your business and/or any other subject of interest that blends well with your brand. With great blog content, you can encourage your site visitors to subscribe to your email list to get updates whenever you make a new post. This will draw prospects into your marketing funnel.
  1. Write A Free e-Book

It has been proven that this strategy works exceptionally in the email marketing process. Write an e-Book that is educative and interesting. When people visit your website and get in contact with your eBook, you can channel them to your email list by requesting that they enter their email addresses to allow you to send them the eBook.
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  1. Offer Incentives

You can never go wrong with incentives when it comes to marketing. People love free things and discounts. Offer special discounts or bonuses on products/services to your subscribers. Let them know that these incentives will only be available to them. This will make your subscribers feel like they are part of an exclusive club and will encourage many others to join the train.
  1. Host Webinars

Another exciting way to grow your email list is by hosting webinars. This could be done via social media. Create an efficient registration process and gather the email addresses of interested participants. Let the webinars be educative and resourceful. Note that whatever you do, you must ensure you add value.
  1. Join groups and forums
There are several social media and online groups and forums. Find ones that best suit your brand and join them. However, don’t just be a member, you sure wouldn’t gain anything tangible by doing that. Make valuable contributions to discussions and share inspiring content. Members will begin to see you as a reliable figure in that niche and will naturally want to be identified with you. Include links to your website on some occasions and watch people troop in.
  1. Offer Free Trials

Make offers to your prospects to try out certain areas of your product/service for a period of time. Once they agree to this, require them to provide their email addresses and add them to your email marketing list.
  1. Engage In Corporate Social Responsibility

Being a part of community building is one of the surest ways to capture the hearts of people. Engage actively in volunteering activities and seek ways to give back to the community. You will do well to capture moments and details of those activities and publish them on your website. You can then ask your website visitors to subscribe to your newsletter to get more updates from you or even join your brand in those activities.
  1. Attend Conferences
Exposure to the right set of people will always give you the opportunity to push your business to the next level. Attend conferences and other events that matter to your specific industry. Interact with notable personalities and influencers. Share contacts and encourage them to sign up to your mailing list. Featured Image Source: HubSpot
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This article was first published on 29th September 2021


Chidiogo Shalom Akaelu holds a degree in English and Literary Studies, from the University of Nigeria. She is a freelance writer, editor and founder of Loana Press, a budding online publishing outlet.

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