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For many of you wondering who Lord Frank is … let’s just say he owns that completely masculine yet charming voice you hear narrate on MTN advertisements and commercials. We caught up with him for you and asked him 10 questions on the spot. CN: Who is Lord Frank? LF: Lord Frank is a voice-over artist and a performer. CN: What influenced your decision to become a voice-over artist? LF: I have been told I have a nice speaking voice. I love to perform ‎and it is a profession that allows me combine those two things. So choosing the profession was a done deal. CN: How viable is this industry? LF: Well, as long as people want to advertise their company, their products and themselves, there will always be a job for voice-over artists. CN: What’s the biggest professional challenge you’ve ever faced and how did you overcome it? LF: A few challenges but I will only mention two. One is getting the word out about Lord Frank. Coming in contact with the wonderful people at was the turning point. Second, getting respect and timely payments for the job done. The answer for that challenge is working with AVOA and patience. CN: Looking at your journey, what do you wish you did differently? LF: Realizing my gift early, fine-tuning it and capitalising on it. CN: What books have you read or are you reading that has changed your life? LF: The Bible. CN: ‎Who is your dream client? LF: CNN CN: What does the future look like for Lord Frank? LF: Promising. CN: Advice for upcoming voice-over artists? LF: Three Ps: Passion, Practice and Patience. CN: Give us a random fact about you. LF: I love to dance. Here are two of Lord Frank’s voice-over works:

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This article was first published on 21st August 2015

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One thought on “10 Questions with Lord Frank”

  • Hello I live in America and I watch plenty of African movies. I really enjoyed The Governor and I was wondering if Lord frank have a Facebook page or fan email link.

    Thank you!

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