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  As parents, beyond sending your children to school, and providing for their nutrition and other upkeep, you also have a responsibility to ensure that your children turn out well-developed and equipped to handle issues responsibly. Teach children about business. This is one important thing parents can do for their children.
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It can be fun and educational to teach children about business. By incorporating engaging activities into their daily routines, you can help them understand essential business concepts. To help you in that regard, here are ten fun ways to teach your children about business.

1. Set Up a Mini-Market at Home

You can set up a small market in your living room or backyard. Allow your children to “sell” items like fruits, snacks, or handmade crafts to other family members. This activity will teach them basic business concepts like pricing, customer service, and making sales. You can give them small amounts of money to buy and sell items, making it a fun role-playing game. It’s a fun and engaging way to introduce business in a familiar environment.

2. Watch Educational Business Shows

Instead of home movies and cartoons, introduce your children to educational business shows. There are several kid-friendly business shows and documentaries available online. Shows like “Shark Tank”, and “Junior Achievement” or movies like “The Pursuit of Happyness”, can inspire children to think creatively and understand business concepts. Watching these shows together and discussing them can spark their interest in entrepreneurship and help them learn from real-life examples.

3. Start a Small Family Business

If you work as an employee in an established organisation, consider starting a small family business project, such as a home bakery business or a small neighbourhood provision shop. Involve your children in every step of the process, from product creation to sales and marketing. This real-world experience will teach them practical business skills and the value of hard work and dedication. If you already have a business of your own, find a way to involve your children in the business. You can create roles for them, even things as little as throwing the trash away or running errands in the office. You can give them a monthly allowance for their time and involvement in the business. This will help them learn how to create value and earn money.

4. Teach Them Through Stories and Books

There are many children’s books that focus on business and entrepreneurship. Stories about young entrepreneurs can be both inspiring and educational. Reading these books together and discussing the lessons can help your children understand business principles in a relatable and enjoyable way.

5. Play Business-Themed Board Games

Board games like Monopoly or The Game of Life can be great tools for teaching children about money management and business strategies. These games simulate real-life financial situations, helping children understand the importance of budgeting, investing, and financial planning.
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6. Visit Local Businesses

Organise learning visits for your children to visit local businesses in your city and talk to the owners and the staff. This gives them first-hand insight into how businesses operate. Visiting markets, shops, and local artisans can provide a diverse perspective on different types of businesses and industries, helping them begin to develop an interest in business from a young age.

7. Internship Opportunities or Roles in Local Businesses

Another way to teach your children about business is to allow them to intern with local businesses in your city. Have a conversation with them about the idea of working during weekends or holidays at a local shop. Approach the owners of these shops and pitch the idea of them taking in your children as shop assistants. To make it more fun, you can even provide them with options and encourage them to check out all the options by themselves and make a decision on which is best for them.

8. Role-Playing Business Scenarios

Engage your children in role-playing activities where they can act out different business roles, such as shopkeepers, customers, or managers. You can also work with your children to develop a simple business plan for a hypothetical family business. This activity can include brainstorming business ideas, researching the market, and planning finances. Interactive plays like these will help them understand various aspects of business operations, including communication, problem-solving, and teamwork. It’s an enjoyable way to get them to see how ideas can be turned into actionable plans, thereby making business concepts relatable and understandable.

9. Involve Them in Family Finances

Involve your children in simple family financial decisions, like planning a budget for a family outing or grocery shopping. Explain concepts like income, expenses, and savings in a way they can understand. This real-life experience is invaluable for teaching children about business.

10. Encourage Entrepreneurial Thinking

Finally, help your children develop entrepreneurial thinking by encouraging them to come up with their business ideas. Whether it’s starting a small garden to sell produce or creating homemade art or crafts to sell to family and friends, fostering entrepreneurial thinking helps them understand the process of turning ideas into profitable ventures.
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Concluding Thoughts

When you teach children about business you’re investmenting in their future. It doesn’t have to be boring or complicated. By incorporating these fun and engaging activities into their daily lives, you can help them develop a strong understanding of business concepts that will benefit them in the future.
Featured Image Source: Black Parallel School Board
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This article was first published on 9th August 2024


Ifegwu-Mbonu Victor is a Personal Growth and Leadership Trainer who provides training and coaching to individuals and organizations.

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