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As part of activities marking this year’s Global Money Week and Financial Literacy Day, Union Bank of Nigeria Plc has announced its adoption of Uyo High School, Oron Road, Uyo. The adoption is in furtherance of a wider Bankers’ Committee initiative to promote Financial Inclusion in Nigeria by providing financial education to schools across the country. “Union Bank remains firmly committed to the achievement of Financial Inclusion in Nigeria and we recognise that Financial Literacy is a key step in achieving this,” said Emeka Emuwa, Group Managing Director of Union Bank and Chairman of the Financial Literacy and Public Enlightenment Sub-Committee of the Bankers’ Committee. “In addition, we believe in making investments that empower, build and support the development of Nigeria’s large youth population. Providing our young ones with a proper financial education will enable them to make sound financial decisions and become good stewards of resources in the future.” During the visit, Mr. Emuwa taught a number of the students a lesson on “Growing Your Money “. The lesson was taken from a special Financial Literacy Curriculum developed by Junior Achievement Nigeria – a non-profit organization focused on educating children about their economic environment – and covered topics on savings, investments and protecting one’s money. Global Money Week is a worldwide money awareness celebration from Monday, March 9, to Tuesday, March 17, 2015. The initiative is aimed at globally engaging children on aspects of financial education. The Bankers’ Committee in Nigeria designated Thursday 12th March as Financial Literacy Day 2015. The day is being marked to focus attention on children and youth in primary and secondary schools nationwide and to empower them by enhancing their financial knowledge and planning skills. Union Bank on Wednesday, March 11, also participated at the Financial Literacy Fair & Exhibition organised by the Central Bank of Nigeria in Abuja. The purpose of the fair was to give visiting students an opportunity to meet with banks and engage them on their products. To support a banking and savings culture among children and young adults, Union Bank has developed a number of products such as its UnionKids, UnionTeens and UnionVibe accounts.    

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This article was first published on 14th March 2015 and updated on April 22nd, 2015 at 3:01 pm

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