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  WpLagos is a community of WordPress users, bloggers, developers, professionals and enthusiasts who constantly keep in touch to share information, updates and offer support to one another where necessary. It was designed to offer support and share information, best practices, new techniques, tools and resources among users in Nigeria.
– Introduction to WordPress
– Online Business Opportuinties using WordPress – Titilayo Amaka (
– How to set up your WordPress website in 10mins – Agboola Adeola (
– Advanced set-up tips + customization –  Tunbosun Ayinla (
– Questions + Answers
– Networking
– Closure
WordPress is the world’s fastest growing web development platform. It is responsible for about 55% of all blogs and websites across the world. In Nigeria, it has become the friend to techies and bloggers who want to float a website, blog or forum online.
Theme: Beginners guide to using WordPress
Date:  May 22
Time:  11am
Venue: 51, Opebi Street Ikeja Lagos
Fee is Free
Register here;
If you’re new to WordPress, this event is dedicated to you. Chances are that you’ll be able to meet others who may be able to answer some of your burning questions, and possibly provide potential solutions to some of your related problems.
If you are a developer, come learn the money making opportunities and network with our growing list of developers. it will be great to see great collaborations come out of Africa.

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This article was first published on 19th May 2014

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