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The Nigeria Women League, no doubts, has been in existence since 1990, however, it is so devastating that nothing much has been done to improve female football in Nigeria. I must confess, it hurts to see the way female football is been treated. Administrators seem unbothered by its current state, deaf ears have been turned to the cries of current and ex female football players who have slammed the current condition of the domestic female league.
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What is wrong? The league has ‘no Structure’, lacks the ‘lead’, and owes players arrears of salary. A whole lot of factors have watered down the credibility of female football, not just in Nigeria, all over Africa. Nobody is coming to the rescue. I won’t be surprised if this article does not appear pleasant in the eyes of those that should be fronting the fight against the careless treatment of female football here in Nigeria. Truth be told, the achievements of Nigeria female teams in the various competitions should be enough to speak about the importance of female football in Nigeria. I remember quite well when the Super Falconets got to the final of the U20 women’s world cup in 2010 and 2014. They had a stellar campaign in 2010 when they dispatched two of worlds heavyweight, the United State of America and Colombia on their way to reach the final, which they eventually lost against Germany. Listing the achievements of Nigeria’s female team, the Super Falcons, will make this article unnecessarily lengthy. Female football and male football are not on the same level but the margin grows wider every year, in terms of wages, interest, welfare, and sponsorship.
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With a little digression from Nigeria, a survey was conducted on top tier Women Super League players in England earnings, it came out that 88% of players earn 18,000 pounds a year, while 58% are thinking of quitting for financial reason. This summarises the financial strength of these clubs, or probably the little attention placed on the league. Women go through a lot in the society today, they are vulnerable to many things even outside football. Recently we had the surge of rape, violence etc. Sports should be one of the ways to show them that they remain an integral part of society. We need to set-out directives that will necessitate the improvement of female football in Nigeria. With all these said, I hope the right move is taken to curb this menace all over the world. Female Football deserves more attention!!! Let’s sound it to their ears. Featured Image Source: Give Me Sports
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This article was first published on 12th July 2020

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