Truth be told, being a writer isn’t always easy, you can ask me. Sometimes you pick a pen to write and it flows and you wish you could go like that forever, but the very next day you’re stuck, you just can’t write.
With the advent of technology, a lot of aids have been developed to ease the process of writing and I would like to introduce a few to you (that’s if you’re not using them already).
- EVERNOTE: Remember those times when you’re busy, and pop! An idea arrives and you start hunting for a pen and paper. But alas, that is when they decide to go into hiding. Well, that’s a thing of the past, as with Evernote, you can now jot down notes on your device whenever an idea pops up and also organize and archive your notes, and a lot more.
- iA WRITER: One of the well-known writing apps available, works on both iOS and Android platforms. This has very good editing skills and features a clean and simple writing environment that treats texts as texts and makes writing delightful.
- JOTTERPAD WRITER: If you’re looking for a scratchpad, it is time you looked no further. With a great design and smooth operations, Jotterpad provides you with a plain text editor engineered for creative writing. Its features are cool and worth checking out. It’s presently available on Android iOS only.
- HELP ME WRITE: Have you ever been at that point where a little motivation would really go a long way in helping you write? Then you need the Help Me Write app. In addition to proofreading your work, this app connects working writers with a community of kindred spirits and gives one an audience that helps them decide what to write about.
- MEDIUM: Unto my personal favorite, this is an online publishing platform that encourages you to create long write ups and publish them. You can amass followers who read your works and recommend them. Also with Medium, you can collaborate with someone on a work, have people edit your wok in real time, and make comments on sections of your work. And this is just a few of its features.
Hey! You’re free to check them out and remember to thank me later.
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