Archives Tag: regrets

Personal Development

How To Deal with Regrets and Plan for the New Year

April 19, 2022

  As the year draws to a close, a familiar feeling often creeps in regret. What if I had taken that chance? Why didn’t I speak up? The past can loom large, casting a shadow on the promise of a fresh start. But dwelling on it only stunts our growth. Instead, we should use regret … Continue reading How To Deal with Regrets and Plan for the New Year

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What Are You Going To Do Differently in 2019?

April 19, 2022

Like it began just yesterday, 2018 is almost over. We all have dreams and aspirations. Do you want to go back to school? Do you want to start that business or get that promotion at work? What are you going to do in 2019 to ensure that you move closer to your dreams? What can … Continue reading What Are You Going To Do Differently in 2019?

By ibiene

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