Archives Tag: Online Sales


7 Proven Online Sales Tactics to Increase Your Revenue

April 19, 2022

  In the digital age, online sales have become an essential component of business growth and revenue generation. To maximize the potential of online sales, businesses must employ effective tactics that drive customer engagement, conversion, and revenue. In this analysis, we will explore seven proven online sales tactics that can significantly boost your revenue and … Continue reading 7 Proven Online Sales Tactics to Increase Your Revenue

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5 Reasons You Are Not Getting Online Sales

April 19, 2022

Do you know that over 90% of businesses that create a website and other kinds of online presence don’t earn any sales from these platforms? I am sure that all these businesses had created a website in the first place to get new leads and sell more. If you are reading this then you are … Continue reading 5 Reasons You Are Not Getting Online Sales

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Press Release

The Festive Season Is Here Again With More Sales To Be Made Online!

April 19, 2022

Social media has become a crucial part of digital communications strategies. Social media delivers measurable results in sales, leads, and branding. It also enables you to reach a large number of people at a low cost. The world of social media networks is dynamic and in constant change and it just keeps growing and growing. … Continue reading The Festive Season Is Here Again With More Sales To Be Made Online!

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Three Tips B2B Digital Marketers Should Know

April 19, 2022

B2B marketing is a totally different sport. It’s more complex, it’s richer, it’s broader and it’s more difficult than B2C marketing. Once upon a time, I assumed a B2B marketing role, I thought my usual B2C approach would work. After a few months, I figured that a lot were just not adding up and thanks … Continue reading Three Tips B2B Digital Marketers Should Know

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Jumia Offers Up to 80% Discount on Items in Celebration of 4th Anniversary

April 19, 2022

Unsurprisingly, even online birthday parties have hit the internet. But don’t just think this would come from just anywhere, Jumia is 4 today! In celebration of her 4-year anniversary, Jumia has thrown an online party for her clients, and there’s a gift for every participant. In partnership with Verve, MTN & Air France/ KLM, who … Continue reading Jumia Offers Up to 80% Discount on Items in Celebration of 4th Anniversary

By nnenna

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How to Make Sales Online

April 19, 2022

  By Tessa Doghor One of the ways to make sales online is to show your audience that you are human. ‘No one wants to know how much you know until they know how much you care’. It is still true today. Your potential consumers want you to care about them and about meeting their … Continue reading How to Make Sales Online

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