Archives Tag: non-verbal communication


5 Ways To Improve Your Communication As An Entrepreneur

April 19, 2022

  As an entrepreneur in Nigeria, it is important to improve your communication. You’ve probably experienced the frustration from miscommunication—whether with your team, clients, or partners. Here are two possible scenarios: After years of courting a potential investor, you finally get him/her to sit down with you. And while pitching your groundbreaking idea, you realize … Continue reading 5 Ways To Improve Your Communication As An Entrepreneur

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LIFESTYLE Self Development

The Wonder of Eye Contact

April 19, 2022

The eyes are one of the most powerful organs in human sub-communication. A popular quote even describes them as “the window to the soul”. Looking at someone in a certain manner sends signals of emotions you feel about them. Holding good eye contact helps build trust in your relationship with people and this makes it … Continue reading The Wonder of Eye Contact

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EDUCATION Relationships Stuff Tip of the Day

Does Your Body Language Say the Right Thing?

April 19, 2022

The Silent Conversation – Body Language Within seconds of meeting someone for the first time, we form opinions about them, their level of education, sociability, status and so on. This instinctive assessment is based on what we feel or see about that person, rather than on their actual words. Sometimes, we even form opinions before … Continue reading Does Your Body Language Say the Right Thing?

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