Archives Tag: noela ugwu
Growth & You: Punctuality Is The Soul of Business
April 19, 2022
Have you ever visited a government civil service secretariat complex early on a working day? The first thing that will obviously hit you is the casual sauntering into offices by workers as late as 10 and 11 o’clock in the morning. It is common knowledge that majority of this civil service is demotivated for many … Continue reading Growth & You: Punctuality Is The Soul of Business
By noela-ugwu
Teens Hangout with Noela
April 19, 2022
Do you know that most teenagers struggle with the sense of who they are (identity crisis)? At that age, they are yet to articulate their personal values. If there is no proper guidance at this stage, society might take advantage of this vulnerable period and hand them a set of values that are “twisted”. These young minds need … Continue reading Teens Hangout with Noela
By guestpost
Growth & You: 5 Self-Confidence Killers In Children
April 19, 2022
Comparing them to others There is this strong temptation for parents to compare their children with one another, or with non-members of the family. The not-so-clever is compared with the clever, the shorter with the taller, the extrovert with the reserved, the slender with the plump, the C student with the A student, and so … Continue reading Growth & You: 5 Self-Confidence Killers In Children
By noela-ugwu
motivation Personal Development
Growth & You: Self-Discipline – Key To Success
April 19, 2022
There are still many people out there who hold tight to the belief that how you turn out in life depends strictly on some factors including – a luck charm, a privileged birth, high level connections, special gifts/talents, and so on. The truth of the matter is that, yes, all the listed factors can give … Continue reading Growth & You: Self-Discipline – Key To Success
By noela-ugwu