Archives Tag: Nnenna Okeke

Opinion TECH

Of a World Gone Smart

April 19, 2022

The world is always in an evolutionary state. History reveals man going through various steps of technology, from the Neolithic era through the Renaissance age, the Industrial Age and now the Age of Information. All these are direct or indirect means to make things easier for man. And if man is always in a bid … Continue reading Of a World Gone Smart

By nnenna

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Fashion LIFESTYLE Opinion

What I’ve Learnt About Women and Shoes

April 19, 2022

Do ladies ever feel like going on a break from high heeled shoes? This is no uncommon craving, and some never forget to go with a pair of flats tucked neatly in their bags. For those not graced with the advantage of having a car to take them from home to church, office or special … Continue reading What I’ve Learnt About Women and Shoes

By nnenna

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What Does Boxing Day Mean to You?

April 19, 2022

You must at some time have wondered what Boxing Day stands for. For the folk who aren’t sure, it sounds more like the sport, boxing. And one wondered why a day of boxing was just after the Christmas Day. Addressing a class of SS2 students sometime in 2003, Mr. Onu our English teacher whom I … Continue reading What Does Boxing Day Mean to You?

By nnenna

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Advertising is Just One Leg

April 19, 2022

The gift of speech, like every other talent, can be of natural endowment or acquired through learning. Through practice, this gift gets better; expanding into new horizons and like good music becomes irresistible to anyone who listens. Say for example, Mr. Douglas heads the business development department in an organization. As executive, he is also … Continue reading Advertising is Just One Leg

By nnenna

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