Archives Tag: negative thoughts

Personal Development

6 Ways To Overcoming Negative Thinking

April 19, 2022

  You view the world through your thought pattern. If your thought pattern is negative it can affect your health, finance, career, family, and so on. Negative thinking has multiple effects on your life, in general, and makes you see things within the lens of pessimism, harm, fear, faithlessness, unbelief and so on. Read more … Continue reading 6 Ways To Overcoming Negative Thinking

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Wellness: How To Combat Negative Thoughts And Live A More Fulfilling Life

April 19, 2022

Negative thoughts are so impactful that they can prevent one from achieving set goals. How do you challenge negative thinking? There are several ways you can do this based on what you think will suit you.  Here are fur ways to combat negative thoughts and live a more fulfilling life: Question Them  The first step … Continue reading Wellness: How To Combat Negative Thoughts And Live A More Fulfilling Life

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Personal Development

How to Overcome Negative Thinking

April 19, 2022

Sometimes, we engage in self-sabotaging, negative actions and/or thoughts. Instead of rationalizing all the positive things that have occurred in our lives, we focus on those things that had gone wrong. We give more attention to things that are less edifying. Negative thinking causes us to stop trying and often sees us talk ourselves out … Continue reading How to Overcome Negative Thinking

By adepeju

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