Archives Tag: myths

BUSINESS Uncategorized

Top Ten Entrepreneurial Myths Debunked

April 19, 2022

  Starting your own business is a big adventure, filled with excitement and challenges. But many entrepreneurial myths can mislead you. Let’s debunk the top ten entrepreneurial myths to help you have a clearer path to success. Read more about Business Myth: You Need a Lot of Money to Start Reality: Many successful businesses started … Continue reading Top Ten Entrepreneurial Myths Debunked

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5 Myths About Money

April 19, 2022

A myth is a belief or explanation that is popular but untrue. Money is a general term and commodity used all over the world, hence people work for it, dream, and even make wrong assumptions about it. Read more about Finance Therefore, a myth about money is any belief a lot of money that is based … Continue reading 5 Myths About Money

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Social Media

Debunking Instagram Myths

April 19, 2022

Most of the things we believe about social media platforms are based on what a certain kind of people told us, and hardly what is being attainable on the platform. This is largely because it takes time and attention to details for you to apply these principles and come up with a theory. This post … Continue reading Debunking Instagram Myths

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6 Corona Virus Myths That You Should Ignore

April 19, 2022

Necessity is the mother of invention, but it can also result in disaster. Even before the coronavirus was named a pandemic by the WHO, people have been searching up the internet for information concerning the novel virus. While some of the information found online are factual and backed by the World Health Organisation (WHO), many … Continue reading 6 Corona Virus Myths That You Should Ignore

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Discover Nigeria

Tribes In Nigeria: The Bajju Tribe of Kaduna State

April 19, 2022

It is stated that the Bajju migrated from Zamfara, to Bauchi and the Jos Plateau.Then eventually to Chawai and settled in Dibiyi, (popularly referred to as Kurmin Bi), in the Zonkwa chiefdom of the present Zangon Kataf LGA of Kaduna state.[1] The father of the Bajju tribe, Baranzan is believed to be of Niger and … Continue reading Tribes In Nigeria: The Bajju Tribe of Kaduna State

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5 Marriage Myths to Ditch For a Happier Life

April 19, 2022

Myths are widely held beliefs or ideas that are false. They can be harmless, and even funny, but when it comes to marriage they can be downright dangerous. If any of these myths are holding you back from living your best life, it’s time to trash them: 1. Don’t involve a third party in your … Continue reading 5 Marriage Myths to Ditch For a Happier Life

By jehonwa

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Discover Nigeria

#Throwback Thursday: Strange Stories we Heard Growing Up

April 19, 2022

I happened to overhear a woman caution her child’s indiscretion by telling him some ridiculous stories with a nasty consequence, I giggled to myself because it reminded me of some myths I heard while growing up. In Nigeria, we had our own version of fairy tales – mostly superstitions, I would say, some were very … Continue reading #Throwback Thursday: Strange Stories we Heard Growing Up

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Food Health

7 Most Ridiculous Weight Loss Myths You Should Know

April 19, 2022

When you are plus sized, people tend to give lots of advice on how to lose weight either to ridicule you or out of sincere concern. Nowadays there is an abundance of information on the internet, gyms etc. on how to lose weight and be healthy. Some of these tips are actually incorrect and can even be … Continue reading 7 Most Ridiculous Weight Loss Myths You Should Know

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